Source code for NuRadioReco.modules.custom.deltaT.calculateAmplitudePerRaySolution

import numpy as np
from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import electricFieldParameters as efp
from NuRadioReco.detector import antennapattern
import time
import logging
from scipy import signal
from NuRadioReco.utilities import fft
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.calculateAmplitudePerRaySolution')

[docs]class calculateAmplitudePerRaySolution: """ Convolves the signal from each ray tracing solution with the antenna response and calculates the maximum signal amplitude """ def __init__(self): self.__t = 0 self.__debug = None self.antenna_provider = None self.begin()
[docs] def begin(self, debug=False): """ begin method, sets general parameters of module """ self.__debug = debug self.antenna_provider = antennapattern.AntennaPatternProvider()
[docs] @register_run() def run(self, evt, station, det): t = time.time() # access simulated efield and high level parameters sim_station = station.get_sim_station() sim_station_id = sim_station.get_id() # loop over all channels for efield in sim_station.get_electric_fields(): # one efield might be valid for multiple channels, hence we loop over all channels this efiels is valid for, # convolve each trace with the antenna response for the given angles # and transform it to the time domain to calculate the max. amplitude channel_ids = efield.get_channel_ids() for channel_id in channel_ids: logger.debug('channel id {}'.format(channel_id)) zenith = efield[efp.zenith] azimuth = efield[efp.azimuth] ff = efield.get_frequencies() efield_fft = efield.get_frequency_spectrum() # get antenna pattern for current channel antenna_model = det.get_antenna_model(sim_station_id, channel_id, zenith) antenna_pattern = self.antenna_provider.load_antenna_pattern(antenna_model, interpolation_method='complex') ori = det.get_antenna_orientation(sim_station_id, channel_id) logger.debug("zen {:.0f}, az {:.0f}".format(zenith / units.deg, azimuth / units.deg)) VEL = antenna_pattern.get_antenna_response_vectorized(ff, zenith, azimuth, *ori) # Apply antenna response to electric field voltage_fft = efield_fft[2] * VEL['phi'] + efield_fft[1] * VEL['theta'] # Remove DC offset voltage_fft[np.where(ff < 5 * units.MHz)] = 0. voltage = fft.freq2time(voltage_fft, efield.get_sampling_rate()) h = np.abs(signal.hilbert(voltage)) maximum = np.abs(voltage).max() maximum_envelope = h.max() if not efield.has_parameter(efp.max_amp_antenna): efield[efp.max_amp_antenna] = {} efield[efp.max_amp_antenna_envelope] = {} efield[efp.max_amp_antenna][channel_id] = maximum efield[efp.max_amp_antenna_envelope][channel_id] = maximum_envelope self.__t += time.time() - t
[docs] def end(self): from datetime import timedelta dt = timedelta(seconds=self.__t)"total time used by this module is {}".format(dt)) return dt