Source code for NuRadioReco.modules.efieldRadioInterferometricReconstruction

from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units, interferometry

from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import showerParameters as shp

from radiotools import helper as hp, coordinatesystems
from radiotools.atmosphere import models, refractivity

from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import sys
import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.efieldRadioInterferometricReconstruction')

This module hosts to classes
    - efieldInterferometricDepthReco
    - efieldInterferometricAxisReco (TODO: Not yet implemented)

The radio-interferometric reconstruction (RIT) was proposed in [1].
The implementation here is based on work published in [2].

[1]: H. Schoorlemmer, W. R. Carvalho Jr., arXiv:2006.10348
[2]: F. Schlueter, T. Huege, doi:10.1088/1748-0221/16/07/P07048


[docs] class efieldInterferometricDepthReco: """ This class reconstructs the depth of the maximum of the longitudinal profile of the beam-formed radio emission: X_RIT along a given axis. X_RIT is found to correlate with X_max. This correlation may depend on the zenith angle, the frequency band, and detector layout (if the detector is very irregular). For the reconstruction, a shower axis is needed. The radio emission in the vxB polarisation is used (and thus the arrival direction is needed). """ def __init__(self): self._debug = None self._at = None self._tab = None self._interpolation = None self._signal_kind = None pass
[docs] def begin(self, interpolation=True, signal_kind="power", debug=False): """ Set module config. Parameters ---------- interpolation : bool If true, use a linear interpolation to match sampling of the beamformed signal trace and the individual time-shifted antenna traces. Default is True, False is not yet implemented signal_kind : str Define which signal "metric" is used on the beamformed traces. Default "power" : sum over the squared amplitudes in a 100 ns window around the peak. Other options are "amplitude" or "hilbert_sum" debug : bool If true, show some debug plots (Default: False). """ self._debug = debug self._interpolation = interpolation self._signal_kind = signal_kind self._data = defaultdict(list) pass
[docs] def sample_longitudinal_profile( self, traces, times, station_positions, shower_axis, core, depths=None, distances=None): """ Returns the longitudinal profile of the interferometic signal sampled along the shower axis. Parameters ---------- traces : array(number_of_antennas, samples) Electric field traces (one polarisation of it, usually vxB) for all antennas/stations. times : array(number_of_antennas, samples) Time vectors corresponding to the electric field traces. station_positions : array(number_of_antennas, 3) Position of each antenna. shower_axis : array(3,) Axis/direction along which the interferometric signal is sampled. Anchor is "core". core : array(3,) Shower core. Keep in mind that the altitudes (z-coordinate) matters. depths : array (optinal) Define the positions (slant depth along the axis) at which the interferometric signal is sampled. Instead of "depths" you can provide "distances". distances : array (optinal) Define the positions (geometrical distance from core along the axis) at which the interferometric signal is sampled. Instead of "distances" you can provide "depths". Returns ------- signals : array Interferometric singals sampled along the given axis """ zenith = hp.get_angle(np.array([0, 0, 1]), shower_axis) tstep = times[0, 1] - times[0, 0] if depths is not None: signals = np.zeros(len(depths)) depths_or_distances = depths else: if distances is None: sys.exit("depths or distances has to be not None!") signals = np.zeros(len(distances)) depths_or_distances = distances for idx, dod in enumerate(depths_or_distances): if depths is not None: try: # here z coordinate of core has to be the altitude of the observation_level dist = self._at.get_distance_xmax_geometric( zenith, dod, observation_level=core[-1]) except ValueError: signals[idx] = 0 continue else: dist = dod if dist < 0: signals[idx] = 0 continue point_on_axis = shower_axis * dist + core if self._interpolation: sum_trace = interferometry.interfere_traces_rit( point_on_axis, station_positions, traces, times, tab=self._tab) else: # sum_trace = interferometry.interfere_traces_padding( # point_on_axis, station_positions, core, traces, times, tab=self._tab) sys.exit("Not implemented") # plt.title(dod) # plt.plot(sum_trace) # signal = interferometry.get_signal(sum_trace, tstep, kind=self._signal_kind) signals[idx] = signal return signals
[docs] def reconstruct_interferometric_depth( self, traces, times, station_positions, shower_axis, core, lower_depth=400, upper_depth=800, bin_size=100, return_profile=False): """ Returns Gauss-parameters fitted to the "peak" of the interferometic longitudinal profile along the shower axis. A initial samping range and size in defined by "lower_depth", "upper_depth", "bin_size". However if the "peak", i.e., maximum signal is found at an edge the sampling range in continually increased (with a min/max depth of 0/2000 g/cm^2). The Gauss is fitted around the found peak with a refined sampling (use 20 samples in this narrow range). Parameters ---------- traces : array(number_of_antennas, samples) Electric field traces (one polarisation of it, usually vxB) for all antennas/stations. times : array(number_of_antennas, samples) Time vectors corresponding to the electric field traces. station_positions : array(number_of_antennas, 3) Position of each antenna. shower_axis : array(3,) Axis/direction along which the interferometric signal is sampled. Anchor is "core". core : array(3,) Shower core. Keep in mind that the altitudes (z-coordinate) matters. lower_depth : float Define the lower edge for the inital sampling (default: 400 g/cm2). upper_depth : float Define the upper edge for the inital sampling (default: 800 g/cm2). bin_size : float Define the step size pf the inital sampling (default: 100 g/cm2). The refined sampling around the peak region is / 10 this value. return_profile : bool If true return the sampled profile in addition to the Gauss parameter (default: False). Returns ------- If return_profile is True depths_corse : np.array Depths along shower axis coarsely sampled depths_fine : np.array Depths along shower axis finely sampled (used in fitting) signals_corese : np.array Beamformed signals along shower axis coarsely sampled signals_fine : np.array Beamformed signals along shower axis finely sampled (used in fitting) popt : list List of fitted Gauss parameters (amplitude, position, width) If return_profile is False: popt : list List of fitted Gauss parameters (amplitude, position, width) """ depths = np.arange(lower_depth, upper_depth, bin_size) signals_tmp = self.sample_longitudinal_profile( traces, times, station_positions, shower_axis, core, depths=depths) # if max signal is at the upper edge add points there if np.argmax(signals_tmp) == len(depths) - 1: while True: depth_add = np.amax(depths) + bin_size signal_add = self.sample_longitudinal_profile( traces, times, station_positions, shower_axis, core, depths=[depth_add]) depths = np.append(depths, depth_add) signals_tmp = np.append(signals_tmp, signal_add) if not np.argmax(signals_tmp) == len(depths) - 1 or depth_add > 2000: break # if max signal is at the lower edge add points there elif np.argmax(signals_tmp) == 0: while True: depth_add = np.amin(depths) - bin_size signal_add = self.sample_longitudinal_profile( traces, times, station_positions, shower_axis, core, depths=[depth_add]) depths = np.append(depth_add, depths) signals_tmp = np.append(signal_add, signals_tmp) if not np.argmax(signals_tmp) == 0 or depth_add <= 0: break idx_max = np.argmax(signals_tmp) depths_final = np.linspace( depths[idx_max - 1], depths[idx_max + 1], 20) # 10 g/cm2 bins signals_final = self.sample_longitudinal_profile( traces, times, station_positions, shower_axis, core, depths=depths_final) def normal(x, A, x0, sigma): """ Gauss curve """ return A / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) \ * np.exp(-1 / 2 * ((x - x0) / sigma) ** 2) popt, pkov = curve_fit(normal, depths_final, signals_final, p0=[np.amax( signals_final), depths_final[np.argmax(signals_final)], 100], maxfev=1000) if return_profile: return depths, depths_final, signals_tmp, signals_final, popt return popt
[docs] def update_atmospheric_model_and_refractivity_table(self, shower): """ Updates model of the atmosphere and tabulated, integrated refractive index according to shower properties. Parameters ---------- shower : BaseShower """ if self._at is None: self._at = models.Atmosphere(shower[shp.atmospheric_model]) self._tab = refractivity.RefractivityTable( self._at.model, refractivity_at_sea_level=shower[shp.refractive_index_at_ground] - 1, curved=True) elif self._at.model != shower[shp.atmospheric_model]: self._at = models.Atmosphere(shower[shp.atmospheric_model]) self._tab = refractivity.RefractivityTable( self._at.model, refractivity_at_sea_level=shower[shp.refractive_index_at_ground] - 1, curved=True) elif self._tab._refractivity_at_sea_level != shower[shp.refractive_index_at_ground] - 1: self._tab = refractivity.RefractivityTable( self._at.model, refractivity_at_sea_level=shower[shp.refractive_index_at_ground] - 1, curved=True) else: pass
[docs] @register_run() def run(self, evt, det, use_MC_geometry=True, use_MC_pulses=True): """ Run interferometric reconstruction of depth of coherent signal. Parameters ---------- evt : Event Event to run the module on. det : Detector Detector description use_MC_geometry : bool if true, take geometry from sim_shower. Results will than also be stored in sim_shower use_MC_pulses : bool if true, take electric field trace from sim_station """ # TODO: Mimic imperfect time syncronasation by adding a time jitter here? # TODO: Make it more flexible. Choose shower from which the geometry and atmospheric properties are taken. # Also store xrit in this shower. if use_MC_geometry: shower = evt.get_first_sim_shower() else: shower = evt.get_first_shower() self.update_atmospheric_model_and_refractivity_table(shower) core, shower_axis, cs = get_geometry_and_transformation(shower) traces_vxB, times, pos = get_station_data( evt, det, cs, use_MC_pulses, n_sampling=256) if self._debug: depths, depths_final, signals_tmp, signals_final, rit_parameters = \ self.reconstruct_interferometric_depth( traces_vxB, times, pos, shower_axis, core, return_profile=True) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.plot(depths, signals_tmp, "o") ax.plot(depths_final, signals_final, "o") ax.plot(depths_final, interferometry.gaus( depths_final, *rit_parameters[:-1])) ax.axvline(rit_parameters[1]) else: rit_parameters = self.reconstruct_interferometric_depth( traces_vxB, times, pos, shower_axis, core) xrit = rit_parameters[1] shower.set_parameter(shp.interferometric_shower_maximum, xrit * units.g / units.cm2) #TODO: Add calibration Xmax(Xrit, theta, ...)? # for plotting self._data["xrit"].append(xrit) self._data["xmax"].append(shower[shp.shower_maximum] / (units.g / units.cm2)) self._data["zenith"].append(shower[shp.zenith])
[docs] def end(self): """ Plot reconstructed depth vs true depth of shower maximum (Xmax). """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) sct = ax.scatter( self._data["xmax"], self._data["xrit"], s=200, c=np.rad2deg(self._data["zenith"])) cbi = plt.colorbar(sct, pad=0.02) cbi.set_label("zenith angle / deg") ax.set_xlabel(r"$X_\mathrm{max}$ / g$\,$cm$^{-2}$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$X_\mathrm{RIT}$ / g$\,$cm$^{-2}$") fig.tight_layout() pass
[docs] class efieldInterferometricAxisReco(efieldInterferometricDepthReco): """ Class to reconstruct the shower axis with beamforming. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def find_maximum_in_plane(self, xs, ys, p_axis, station_positions, traces, times, cs): """ Sample interferometric signals in 2-d plane (vxB-vxvxB) perpendicular to a given axis on a rectangular/quadratic grid. The orientation of the plane is defined by the radiotools.coordinatesytem.cstrafo argument. Parameters ---------- xs : array x-coordinates defining the sampling positions. ys : array y-coordinates defining the sampling positions. p_axis : array(3,) Origin of the 2-d plane along the axis. station_positions : array(number_of_antennas, 3) Position of each antenna. traces : array(number_of_antennas, samples) Electric field traces (one polarisation of it, usually vxB) for all antennas/stations. times : array(number_of_antennas, samples) Time vectors corresponding to the electric field traces. cs : radiotools.coordinatesytem.cstrafo Returns ------- idx : int Index of the entry with the largest signal (np.argmax(signals)) signals : array(len(xs), len(ys)) Interferometric signal """ signals = np.zeros((len(xs), len(ys))) tstep = times[0, 1] - times[0, 0] for xdx, x in enumerate(xs): for ydx, y in enumerate(ys): p = p_axis + cs.transform_from_vxB_vxvxB(np.array([x, y, 0])) sum_trace = interferometry.interfere_traces_rit( p, station_positions, traces, times, tab=self._tab) signal = interferometry.get_signal( sum_trace, tstep, kind=self._signal_kind) signals[xdx, ydx] = signal idx = np.argmax(signals) return idx, signals
[docs] def sample_lateral_cross_section( self, traces, times, station_positions, shower_axis_inital, core, depth, cs, shower_axis_mc, core_mc, relative=False, initial_grid_spacing=60, centered_around_truth=True, cross_section_size=1000, deg_resolution=np.deg2rad(0.005)): """ Sampling the "cross section", i.e., 2d-lateral distribution of the beam formed signal for a slice in the atmosphere. It is looking for the maximum in the lateral distribution with an (stupid) iterative grid search. Returns the position and the strenght of the maximum signal. Parameters ---------- traces : array(number_of_antennas, samples) Electric field traces (one polarisation of it, usually vxB) for all antennas/stations. times : array(number_of_antennas, samples) Time vectors corresponding to the electric field traces. station_positions : array(number_of_antennas, 3) Position of each antenna. shower_axis_inital : array(3,) Axis/direction which is used as initial guess for the true shower axis. Around this axis the interferometric signals are sample on 2-d planes. core : array(3,) Shower core which is used as initial guess. Keep in mind that the altitudes (z-coordinate) matters. depth : np.array cs : radiotools.coordinatesytem.cstrafo shower_axis_mc : np.array(3,) core_mc : np.array(3,) relative : bool (Default: False) If True, the size of the search grid is relative to the distance between the MC axis and the inital guess axis. The search grid will by a 20 x 20 and just include the MC axis. It is made sure that the MC axis is not at a grid point. If False, see `centered_around_truth`. initial_grid_spacing : double Initial spacing of your grid points in meters. (Default: 60m) centered_around_truth : bool (Default: True) Only used when `relative == False`. If True, the search grid will be constructed around the MC axis. The size and spacing between grid points is determined by `cross_section_size` and `initial_grid_spacing`. If False, the search grid is constructed around the inital guess axis. It ensured that the MC-axis is within the search grid. that means the grid size might be abitrary large (which makes the reconstruction very slow) if the inital axis is far off the MC axis. cross_section_size : float (Only used when `centered_around_truth == True`.) Side length on the 2-d planes (slice) along which the maximum around the initial axis is sampled in meters. (Default: 1000m) deg_resolution : float Target spacing for the grid spacing in terms of opening angle. Unit is radiants. Defines the stopping condition for the iterations. (Default: np.deg2rad(0.005)) Returns ------- point_found : np.array(3,) Position of the found maximum weight : float Amplitude/Strengt of the maximum """ zenith_inital, _ = hp.cartesian_to_spherical( *np.split(shower_axis_inital, 3)) dist = self._at.get_distance_xmax_geometric( zenith_inital, depth, observation_level=core[-1]) p_axis = shower_axis_inital * dist + core # we use the true core to make sure that it is within the inital search gri mc_at_plane = interferometry.get_intersection_between_line_and_plane( shower_axis_inital, p_axis, shower_axis_mc, core_mc) mc_vB = cs.transform_to_vxB_vxvxB(mc_at_plane, core=p_axis) # mc_points.append(mc_at_plane + core) dr_ref_target = np.tan(deg_resolution) * dist if relative: # ensure that true xmax is within the search grid but not on a grid point xlims = (np.array([-1.2, 1.2]) + np.random.uniform(0, .1, 2)) * np.abs(mc_vB[0]) ylims = (np.array([-1.2, 1.2]) + np.random.uniform(0, .1, 2)) * np.abs(mc_vB[1]) xs = np.linspace(*xlims, 20) ys = np.linspace(*ylims, 20) else: if centered_around_truth: xs = np.arange(mc_vB[0] - cross_section_size / 2 - np.random.uniform(0, initial_grid_spacing, 1), mc_vB[0] + cross_section_size / 2, initial_grid_spacing) ys = np.arange(mc_vB[1] - cross_section_size / 2 - np.random.uniform(0, initial_grid_spacing, 1), mc_vB[1] + cross_section_size / 2, initial_grid_spacing) else: # quadratic grid with true intersection contained max_dist = np.amax( [np.abs(mc_vB[0]), np.abs(mc_vB[1]), 3 * initial_grid_spacing]) + initial_grid_spacing xlims = np.array([-max_dist, max_dist]) + \ np.random.uniform(-0.1 * initial_grid_spacing, 0.1 * initial_grid_spacing, 2) ylims = np.array([-max_dist, max_dist]) + \ np.random.uniform(-0.1 * initial_grid_spacing, 0.1 * initial_grid_spacing, 2) xs = np.arange(xlims[0], xlims[1] + initial_grid_spacing, initial_grid_spacing) ys = np.arange(ylims[0], ylims[1] + initial_grid_spacing, initial_grid_spacing) iloop = 0 while True: idx, signals = self.find_maximum_in_plane( xs, ys, p_axis, station_positions, traces, times, cs=cs) if self._debug: # from AERAutilities import pyplots, pyplots_utils # for mpl rc plot_lateral_cross_section( xs, ys, signals, mc_vB, title=r"%.1f$\,$g$\,$cm$^{-2}$" % depth) iloop += 1 dr = np.sqrt((xs[1] - xs[0]) ** 2 + (ys[1] - ys[0]) ** 2) if iloop == 10 or dr < dr_ref_target: break # maximum x_max = xs[int(idx // len(ys))] y_max = ys[int(idx % len(ys))] # update range / grid dx = xs[1] - xs[0] dy = ys[1] - ys[0] if iloop >= 2: dx /= 2 dy /= 2 xs = np.linspace(x_max - dx, x_max + dx, 5) ys = np.linspace(y_max - dy, y_max + dy, 5) weight = np.amax(signals) xfound = xs[int(idx // len(ys))] yfound = ys[int(idx % len(ys))] point_found = p_axis + \ cs.transform_from_vxB_vxvxB(np.array([xfound, yfound, 0])) return point_found, weight
[docs] def reconstruct_shower_axis( self, traces, times, station_positions, shower_axis, core, magnetic_field_vector, is_mc=True, initial_grid_spacing=60, cross_section_size=1000): """ Run interferometric reconstruction of the shower axis. Find the maxima of the interferometric signals within 2-d plane (slices) along a given axis (initial guess). Through those maxima (their position in the atmosphere) a straight line is fitted to reconstruct the shower axis. traces : array(number_of_antennas, samples) Electric field traces (one polarisation of it, usually vxB) for all antennas/stations. times : array(number_of_antennas, samples) Time vectors corresponding to the electric field traces. station_positions : array(number_of_antennas, 3) Position of each antenna. shower_axis_inital : array(3,) Axis/direction which is used as initial guess for the true shower axis. Around this axis the interferometric signals are sample on 2-d planes. core : array(3,) Shower core which is used as initial guess. Keep in mind that the altitudes (z-coordinate) matters. magnetic_field_vector : array(3,) Magnetic field vector of the site you are using. is_mc : bool If true, interprete the provided shower axis as truth and add some gaussian smearing to optain an inperfect initial guess for the shower axis (Default: True). initial_grid_spacing : double Spacing of your grid points in meters (Default: 60m) cross_section_size : double Side length on the 2-d planes (slice) along which the maximum around the initial axis is sampled in meters (Default: 1000m). """ if is_mc: zenith_mc, azimuth_mc = hp.cartesian_to_spherical(*shower_axis) # smeare mc axis. zenith_inital = zenith_mc + np.deg2rad(np.random.normal(0, 0.5)) azimuth_inital = azimuth_mc + np.deg2rad(np.random.normal(0, 0.5)) shower_axis_inital = hp.spherical_to_cartesian( zenith=zenith_inital, azimuth=azimuth_inital) else: shower_axis_inital = shower_axis core_inital = core zenith_inital, azimuth_inital = hp.cartesian_to_spherical( *shower_axis) shower_axis, core = None, None raise ValueError("is_mc=False is not yet properly implemented!") cs = coordinatesystems.cstrafo( zenith_inital, azimuth_inital, magnetic_field_vector=magnetic_field_vector) if is_mc: core_inital = cs.transform_from_vxB_vxvxB_2D( np.array([np.random.normal(0, 100), np.random.normal(0, 100), 0]), core) depths = [500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000] deg_resolution = np.deg2rad(0.005) found_points = [] weights = [] relative = False centered_around_truth = True def sample_lateral_cross_section_placeholder(dep): """ Run sample_lateral_cross_section for a particular depth. Parameters ---------- dep : double Depth along the axis at which the cross section is sampled in g/cm2. """ return self.sample_lateral_cross_section( traces, times, station_positions, shower_axis_inital, core_inital, dep, cs, shower_axis, core, relative=relative, initial_grid_spacing=initial_grid_spacing, centered_around_truth=centered_around_truth, cross_section_size=cross_section_size, deg_resolution=deg_resolution) for depth in depths: found_point, weight = sample_lateral_cross_section_placeholder(depth) found_points.append(found_point) weights.append(weight) if 0: while True: if np.argmax(weights) != 0: break new_depth = depths[0] - (depths[1] - depths[0]) print("extend to", new_depth) found_point, weight = sample_lateral_cross_section_placeholder( new_depth) depths = [new_depth] + depths found_points = [found_point] + found_points weights = [weight] + weights while True: if np.argmax(weights) != len(weights): break new_depth = depths[-1] + (depths[1] - depths[0]) print("extend to", new_depth) found_point, weight = sample_lateral_cross_section_placeholder( new_depth) depths.append(new_depth) found_points.append(found_point) weights.append(weight) found_points = np.array(found_points) weights = np.array(weights) popt, pcov = curve_fit(interferometry.fit_axis, found_points[:, -1], found_points.flatten(), sigma=np.amax(weights) / np.repeat(weights, 3), p0=[zenith_inital, azimuth_inital, 0, 0]) direction_rec = hp.spherical_to_cartesian(*popt[:2]) core_rec = interferometry.fit_axis(np.array([core[-1]]), *popt) return direction_rec, core_rec
[docs] @register_run() def run(self, evt, det, use_MC_geometry=True, use_MC_pulses=True): """ Run interferometric reconstruction of depth of coherent signal. Parameters ---------- evt : Event Event to run the module on. det : Detector Detector description use_MC_geometry : bool if true, take geometry from sim_shower. Results will than also be stored in sim_shower use_MC_pulses : bool if true, take electric field trace from sim_station """ # TODO: Mimic imperfect time syncronasation by adding a time jitter here? # TODO: Make it more flexible. Choose shower from which the geometry and atmospheric properties are taken. # Also store xrit in this shower. if use_MC_geometry: shower = evt.get_first_sim_shower() else: shower = evt.get_first_shower() self.update_atmospheric_model_and_refractivity_table(shower) core, shower_axis, cs = get_geometry_and_transformation(shower) traces_vxB, times, pos = get_station_data( evt, det, cs, use_MC_pulses, n_sampling=256) direction_rec, core_rec = self.reconstruct_shower_axis( traces_vxB, times, pos, shower_axis, core, is_mc=True, magnetic_field_vector=shower[shp.magnetic_field_vector]) shower.set_parameter(shp.interferometric_shower_axis, direction_rec) shower.set_parameter(shp.interferometric_core, core_rec)
[docs] def end(self): pass
[docs] def get_geometry_and_transformation(shower): """ Returns core (def. as intersection between shower axis and observation plane, shower axis, and radiotools.coordinatesytem for given shower. Parameters ---------- shower : BaseShower """ observation_level = shower[shp.observation_level] core = shower[shp.core] if core[-1] != observation_level: sys.exit("Code down the road expect that to be equal!") zenith = shower[shp.zenith] azimuth = shower[shp.azimuth] magnetic_field_vector = shower[shp.magnetic_field_vector] shower_axis = hp.spherical_to_cartesian(zenith, azimuth) cs = coordinatesystems.cstrafo( zenith, azimuth, magnetic_field_vector=magnetic_field_vector) return core, shower_axis, cs
[docs] def get_station_data(evt, det, cs, use_MC_pulses, n_sampling=None): """ Returns station data in a proper format Parameters ---------- evt : Event det : Detector cs : radiotools.coordinatesystems.cstrafo use_MC_pulses : bool if true take electric field trace from sim_station n_sampling : int if not None clip trace with n_sampling // 2 around np.argmax(np.abs(trace)) Returns ------- traces_vxB : np.array The electric field traces in the vxB polarisation (takes first electric field stored in a station) for all stations/observers. times : mp.array The electric field traces time series for all stations/observers. pos : np.array Positions for all stations/observers. """ traces_vxB = [] times = [] pos = [] for station in evt.get_stations(): if use_MC_pulses: station = station.get_sim_station() for electric_field in station.get_electric_fields(): traces = cs.transform_to_vxB_vxvxB( cs.transform_from_onsky_to_ground(electric_field.get_trace())) trace_vxB = traces[0] time = copy.copy(electric_field.get_times()) if n_sampling is not None: hw = n_sampling // 2 m = np.argmax(np.abs(trace_vxB)) if m < hw: m = hw if m > len(trace_vxB) - hw: m = len(trace_vxB) - hw trace_vxB = trace_vxB[m-hw:m+hw] time = time[m-hw:m+hw] traces_vxB.append(trace_vxB) times.append(time) break # just take the first efield. TODO: Improve this pos.append(det.get_absolute_position(station.get_id())) traces_vxB = np.array(traces_vxB) times = np.array(times) pos = np.array(pos) return traces_vxB, times, pos
[docs] def plot_lateral_cross_section(xs, ys, signals, mc_pos=None, fname=None, title=None): """ Plot the lateral distribution of the beamformed singal (in the vxB, vxvxB directions). Parameters ---------- xs : np.array Positions on x-axis (vxB) at which the signal is sampled (on a 2d grid) ys : np.array Positions on y-axis (vxvxB) at which the signal is sampled (on a 2d grid) signals : np.array Signals sampled on the 2d grid defined by xs and ys. mc_pos : np.array(2,) Intersection of the (MC-)axis with the "slice" of the lateral distribution plotted. fname : str Name of the figure. If given the figure is saved, if fname is None the fiture is shown. title : str Title of the figure (Default: None) """ yy, xx = np.meshgrid(ys, xs) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) pcm = ax.pcolormesh(xx, yy, signals, shading='gouraud') ax.plot(xx, yy, "ko", markersize=3) cbi = plt.colorbar(pcm, pad=0.02) cbi.set_label(r"$f_{B_{j}}$ / eV$\,$m$^{-2}$") idx = np.argmax(signals) xfound = xs[int(idx // len(ys))] yfound = ys[int(idx % len(ys))] ax.plot(xfound, yfound, ls=None, marker="o", color="C1", markersize=10, label="found maximum") if mc_pos is not None: ax.plot(mc_pos[0], mc_pos[1], ls=None, marker="*", color="r", markersize=10, label=r"intersection with $\hat{a}_\mathrm{MC}$") ax.legend() ax.set_ylabel( r"$\vec{v} \times \vec{v} \times \vec{B}$ / m") ax.set_xlabel(r"$\vec{v} \times \vec{B}$ / m") if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) # r"slant depth = %d g / cm$^2$" % depth) plt.tight_layout() if fname is not None: # "rit_xy_%d_%d_%s.png" % (depth, iloop, args.label)) plt.savefig(fname) else: