Source code for NuRadioReco.modules.efieldTimeDirectionFitter

from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
import numpy as np
from scipy import constants, stats

from radiotools import helper as hp

from NuRadioReco.utilities import units, ice
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import stationParameters as stnp
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import electricFieldParameters as efp

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.efieldTimeDirectionFitter')

[docs] class efieldTimeDirectionFitter: """ Calculates basic signal parameters. """ def __init__(self): self.__debug = None self.__time_uncertainty = None self.begin() pass
[docs] def begin(self, debug=False, time_uncertainty=0.1 * units.ns): self.__debug = debug self.__time_uncertainty = time_uncertainty pass
[docs] @register_run() def run(self, evt, station, det, channels_to_use=None, cosmic_ray=False): """ Parameters ---------- evt: Event The event to run the module on station: Station The station to run the module on det: Detector The detector description channels_to_use: list of int (default: [0, 1, 2, 3]) List with the IDs of channels to use for reconstruction cosmic_ray: Bool (default: False) Flag to mark event as cosmic ray """ if channels_to_use is None: channels_to_use = [0, 1, 2, 3] station_id = station.get_id() times = [] times_error = [] positions = [] for iCh, efield in enumerate(station.get_electric_fields()): if(len(efield.get_channel_ids()) > 1): # FIXME: this can be changed later if each efield has a position and absolute time raise AttributeError("found efield that is valid for more than one channel. Position can't be determined.") channel_id = efield.get_channel_ids()[0] if(channel_id not in channels_to_use): continue times.append(efield[efp.signal_time]) if(efield.has_parameter_error(efp.signal_time)): times_error.append((efield.get_parameter_error(efp.signal_time) ** 2 + self.__time_uncertainty ** 2) ** 0.5) else: times_error.append(self.__time_uncertainty) positions.append(det.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_id)) times = np.array(times) times_error = np.array(times_error) positions = np.array(positions) site = det.get_site(station_id) n_ice = ice.get_refractive_index(-0.01, site) from scipy import optimize as opt def get_expected_times(params, channel_positions): zenith, azimuth = params if cosmic_ray: if((zenith < 0) or (zenith > 0.5 * np.pi)): return np.ones(len(channel_positions)) * np.inf else: if((zenith < 0.5 * np.pi) or (zenith > np.pi)): return np.ones(len(channel_positions)) * np.inf v = hp.spherical_to_cartesian(zenith, azimuth) c = constants.c * units.m / units.s if not cosmic_ray: c = c / n_ice logger.debug("using speed of light = {:.4g}".format(c)) t_expected = -(, channel_positions.T) / c) return t_expected def obj_plane(params, pos, t_measured): t_expected = get_expected_times(params, pos) chi_squared = np.sum(((t_expected - t_expected.mean()) - (t_measured - t_measured.mean())) ** 2 / times_error ** 2) logger.debug("texp = {texp}, tm = {tmeas}, {chi2}".format(texp=t_expected, tmeas=t_measured, chi2=chi_squared)) return chi_squared method = "Nelder-Mead" options = {'maxiter': 1000, 'disp': False} zenith_start = 135 * units.deg if cosmic_ray: zenith_start = 45 * units.deg starting_chi2 = {} for starting_az in np.array([0, 90, 180, 270]) * starting_chi2[starting_az] = obj_plane((zenith_start, starting_az), positions, times) azimuth_start = min(starting_chi2, key=starting_chi2.get) res = opt.minimize(obj_plane, x0=[zenith_start, azimuth_start], args=(positions, times), method=method, options=options) chi2 = df = len(channels_to_use) - 3 if(df == 0): chi2ndf = chi2 chi2prob = stats.chi2.sf(chi2, 1) else: chi2ndf = chi2 / df chi2prob = stats.chi2.sf(chi2, df) output_str = "reconstucted angles theta = {:.1f}, phi = {:.1f}, chi2/ndf = {:.2g}/{:d} = {:.2g}, chi2prob = {:.3g}".format(res.x[0] / units.deg, hp.get_normalized_angle(res.x[1]) / units.deg,, df, chi2ndf, chi2prob) station[stnp.zenith] = res.x[0] station[stnp.azimuth] = hp.get_normalized_angle(res.x[1]) station[stnp.chi2_efield_time_direction_fit] = chi2 station[stnp.ndf_efield_time_direction_fit] = df if(cosmic_ray): station[stnp.cr_zenith] = res.x[0] station[stnp.cr_azimuth] = hp.get_normalized_angle(res.x[1]) if(self.__debug): # calculate residuals t_exp = get_expected_times(res.x, positions) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.errorbar(channels_to_use, ((times - times.mean()) - (t_exp - t_exp.mean())) / units.ns, fmt='o', yerr=times_error / units.ns) ax.set_xlabel("channel id") ax.set_ylabel(r"$t_\mathrm{meas} - t_\mathrm{exp}$ [ns]") pass
[docs] def end(self): pass