Source code for NuRadioReco.modules.efieldToVoltageConverter

import numpy as np
import time
import logging
import NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace
from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
from NuRadioReco.detector import antennapattern
from NuRadioReco.utilities import geometryUtilities as geo_utl
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units, fft
from NuRadioReco.utilities import ice
from NuRadioReco.utilities import trace_utilities
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import electricFieldParameters as efp
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import stationParameters as stnp
import copy

[docs]class efieldToVoltageConverter(): """ Convolves electric field with antenna response to get the voltage output of the antenna Module that should be used to convert simulations to data. It assumes that at least one efield is given per channel as input. It will convolve the electric field with the corresponding antenna response for the incoming direction specified in the channel object. The station id, defines antenna location and antenna type. """ def __init__(self, log_level=logging.WARNING): self.__t = 0 self.__uncertainty = None self.__debug = None self.__time_resolution = None self.__pre_pulse_time = None self.__post_pulse_time = None self.__max_upsampling_factor = None self.antenna_provider = None self.begin() self.logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.efieldToVoltageConverter') self.logger.setLevel(log_level)
[docs] def begin(self, debug=False, uncertainty=None, time_resolution=0.1 * units.ns, pre_pulse_time=200 * units.ns, post_pulse_time=200 * units.ns ): """ Begin method, sets general parameters of module Parameters ---------- debug: bool enable/disable debug mode (default: False -> no debug output) uncertainty: dictionary (default: {}) optional argument to specify systematic uncertainties. currently supported keys * 'sys_dx': systematic uncertainty of x position of antenna * 'sys_dy': systematic uncertainty of y position of antenna * 'sys_dz': systematic uncertainty of z position of antenna * 'sys_amp': systematic uncertainty of the amplifier aplification, specify value as relative difference of linear gain * 'amp': statistical uncertainty of the amplifier aplification, specify value as relative difference of linear gain time_resolution: float time resolution of shifting pulse times pre_pulse_time: float length of empty samples that is added before the first pulse post_pulse_time: float length of empty samples that is added after the simulated trace """ self.__debug = debug self.__time_resolution = time_resolution self.__pre_pulse_time = pre_pulse_time self.__post_pulse_time = post_pulse_time self.__max_upsampling_factor = 5000 if uncertainty is None: self.__uncertainty = {} else: self.__uncertainty = uncertainty # some uncertainties are systematic, fix them here if('sys_dx' in self.__uncertainty): self.__uncertainty['sys_dx'] = np.random.normal(0, self.__uncertainty['sys_dx']) if('sys_dy' in self.__uncertainty): self.__uncertainty['sys_dy'] = np.random.normal(0, self.__uncertainty['sys_dy']) if('sys_dz' in self.__uncertainty): self.__uncertainty['sys_dz'] = np.random.normal(0, self.__uncertainty['sys_dz']) if('sys_amp' in self.__uncertainty): for iCh in self.__uncertainty['sys_amp'].keys(): self.__uncertainty['sys_amp'][iCh] = np.random.normal(1, self.__uncertainty['sys_amp'][iCh]) self.antenna_provider = antennapattern.AntennaPatternProvider()
[docs] @register_run() def run(self, evt, station, det): t = time.time() # access simulated efield and high level parameters sim_station = station.get_sim_station() if(len(sim_station.get_electric_fields()) == 0): raise LookupError(f"station {station.get_id()} has no efields") sim_station_id = sim_station.get_id() # first we determine the trace start time of all channels and correct # for different cable delays times_min = [] times_max = [] for iCh in det.get_channel_ids(sim_station_id): for electric_field in sim_station.get_electric_fields_for_channels([iCh]): time_resolution = 1. / electric_field.get_sampling_rate() cab_delay = det.get_cable_delay(sim_station_id, iCh) t0 = electric_field.get_trace_start_time() + cab_delay # if we have a cosmic ray event, the different signal travel time to the antennas has to be taken into account if sim_station.is_cosmic_ray(): site = det.get_site(sim_station_id) antenna_position = det.get_relative_position(sim_station_id, iCh) - electric_field.get_position() if sim_station.get_parameter(stnp.zenith) > 90 * units.deg: # signal is coming from below, so we take IOR of ice index_of_refraction = ice.get_refractive_index(antenna_position[2], site) else: # signal is coming from above, so we take IOR of air index_of_refraction = ice.get_refractive_index(1, site) # For cosmic ray events, we only have one electric field for all channels, so we have to account # for the difference in signal travel between channels. IMPORTANT: This is only accurate # if all channels have the same z coordinate travel_time_shift = geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction( sim_station.get_parameter(stnp.zenith), sim_station.get_parameter(stnp.azimuth), antenna_position, index_of_refraction ) t0 += travel_time_shift if(not np.isnan(t0)): # trace start time is None if no ray tracing solution was found and channel contains only zeros times_min.append(t0) times_max.append(t0 + electric_field.get_number_of_samples() / electric_field.get_sampling_rate()) self.logger.debug("trace start time {}, cab_delty {}, tracelength {}".format(electric_field.get_trace_start_time(), cab_delay, electric_field.get_number_of_samples() / electric_field.get_sampling_rate())) # pad event times by pre/post pulse time times_min = np.array(times_min) - self.__pre_pulse_time times_max = np.array(times_max) + self.__post_pulse_time trace_length = times_max.max() - times_min.min() trace_length_samples = int(round(trace_length / time_resolution)) if trace_length_samples % 2 != 0: trace_length_samples += 1 self.logger.debug("smallest trace start time {:.1f}, largest trace time {:.1f} -> n_samples = {:d} {:.0f}ns)".format(times_min.min(), times_max.max(), trace_length_samples, trace_length / units.ns)) # loop over all channels for channel_id in det.get_channel_ids(station.get_id()): # one channel might contain multiple channels to store the signals from multiple ray paths, # so we loop over all simulated channels with the same id, # convolve each trace with the antenna response for the given angles # and everything up in the time domain self.logger.debug('channel id {}'.format(channel_id)) channel = channel_spectrum = None trace_object = None if(self.__debug): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1) for electric_field in sim_station.get_electric_fields_for_channels([channel_id]): # all simulated channels have a different trace start time # in a measurement, all channels have the same physical start time # so we need to create one long trace that can hold all the different channel times # to achieve a good time resolution, we upsample the trace first. new_efield = NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace.BaseTrace() # create new data structure with new efield length new_efield.set_trace(copy.copy(electric_field.get_trace()), electric_field.get_sampling_rate()) new_trace = np.zeros((3, trace_length_samples)) # calculate the start bin if(not np.isnan(electric_field.get_trace_start_time())): cab_delay = det.get_cable_delay(sim_station_id, channel_id) if sim_station.is_cosmic_ray(): site = det.get_site(sim_station_id) antenna_position = det.get_relative_position(sim_station_id, channel_id) - electric_field.get_position() if sim_station.get_parameter(stnp.zenith) > 90 * units.deg: # signal is coming from below, so we take IOR of ice index_of_refraction = ice.get_refractive_index(antenna_position[2], site) else: # signal is coming from above, so we take IOR of air index_of_refraction = ice.get_refractive_index(1, site) travel_time_shift = geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction( sim_station.get_parameter(stnp.zenith), sim_station.get_parameter(stnp.azimuth), antenna_position, index_of_refraction ) start_time = electric_field.get_trace_start_time() + cab_delay - times_min.min() + travel_time_shift start_bin = int(round(start_time / time_resolution)) time_remainder = start_time - start_bin * time_resolution else: start_time = electric_field.get_trace_start_time() + cab_delay - times_min.min() start_bin = int(round(start_time / time_resolution)) time_remainder = start_time - start_bin * time_resolution self.logger.debug('channel {}, start time {:.1f} = bin {:d}, ray solution {}'.format(channel_id, electric_field.get_trace_start_time() + cab_delay, start_bin, electric_field[efp.ray_path_type])) new_efield.apply_time_shift(time_remainder) tr = new_efield.get_trace() stop_bin = start_bin + new_efield.get_number_of_samples() # if checks should never be true... if stop_bin > np.shape(new_trace)[-1]: # ensure new efield does not extend beyond end of trace although this should not happen self.logger.warning("electric field trace extends beyond the end of the trace and will be cut.") stop_bin = np.shape(new_trace)[-1] tr = np.atleast_2d(tr)[:,:stop_bin-start_bin] if start_bin < 0: # ensure new efield does not extend beyond start of trace although this should not happen self.logger.warning("electric field trace extends beyond the beginning of the trace and will be cut.") tr = np.atleast_2d(tr)[:,-start_bin:] start_bin = 0 new_trace[:, start_bin:stop_bin] = tr trace_object = NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace.BaseTrace() trace_object.set_trace(new_trace, 1. / time_resolution) if(self.__debug): axes[0].plot(trace_object.get_times(), new_trace[1], label="eTheta {}".format(electric_field[efp.ray_path_type]), c='C0') axes[0].plot(trace_object.get_times(), new_trace[2], label="ePhi {}".format(electric_field[efp.ray_path_type]), c='C0', linestyle=':') axes[0].plot(electric_field.get_times(), electric_field.get_trace()[1], c='C1', linestyle='-', alpha=.5) axes[0].plot(electric_field.get_times(), electric_field.get_trace()[2], c='C1', linestyle=':', alpha=.5) ff = trace_object.get_frequencies() efield_fft = trace_object.get_frequency_spectrum() zenith = electric_field[efp.zenith] azimuth = electric_field[efp.azimuth] # get antenna pattern for current channel VEL = trace_utilities.get_efield_antenna_factor(sim_station, ff, [channel_id], det, zenith, azimuth, self.antenna_provider) if VEL is None: # this can happen if there is not signal path to the antenna voltage_fft = np.zeros_like(efield_fft[1]) # set voltage trace to zeros else: # Apply antenna response to electric field VEL = VEL[0] # we only requested the VEL for one channel, so selecting it voltage_fft = np.sum(VEL * np.array([efield_fft[1], efield_fft[2]]), axis=0) # Remove DC offset voltage_fft[np.where(ff < 5 * units.MHz)] = 0. if(self.__debug): axes[1].plot(trace_object.get_times(), fft.freq2time(voltage_fft, electric_field.get_sampling_rate()), label="{}, zen = {:.0f}deg".format(electric_field[efp.ray_path_type], zenith / units.deg)) if('amp' in self.__uncertainty): voltage_fft *= np.random.normal(1, self.__uncertainty['amp'][channel_id]) if('sys_amp' in self.__uncertainty): voltage_fft *= self.__uncertainty['sys_amp'][channel_id] if(channel_spectrum is None): channel_spectrum = voltage_fft else: channel_spectrum += voltage_fft if(self.__debug): axes[0].legend(loc='upper left') axes[1].legend(loc='upper left') if trace_object is None: # this happens if don't have any efield for this channel # set the trace to zeros channel.set_trace(np.zeros(trace_length_samples), 1. / time_resolution) else: channel.set_frequency_spectrum(channel_spectrum, trace_object.get_sampling_rate()) channel.set_trace_start_time(times_min.min()) station.add_channel(channel) self.__t += time.time() - t
[docs] def end(self): from datetime import timedelta self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) dt = timedelta(seconds=self.__t)"total time used by this module is {}".format(dt)) return dt