from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.eventTypeIdentifier')
class eventTypeIdentifier:
Use this module to distinguish cosmic ray events from neutrino events
def run(self, event, station, mode, forced_event_type='neutrino'):
Determines the type of event so that the correct modules can be
executed accordingly. Currently neutrino and cosmic ray events are
supported, but others can be added in the future.
event: event
station: station
mode: string
specifies which criteria the decision to flag the event as cosmic ray
or neutrino should be based on. Currently only supports 'forced',
which automatically flags the event to a specified type. Add new
modes to use different criteria
forced_event_type: string
if the mode is set to forced, this is the type the event will be set to.
Currently supported options are neutrino and cosmic_ray
if mode == 'forced':
if forced_event_type == 'neutrino':
elif forced_event_type == 'cosmic_ray':
ValueError('Unsupported event type {}'.format(forced_event_type))
raise ValueError('Unsupported mode {}'.format(mode))