Source code for

import re
import os
import glob
import json
import math
import logging
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np

# from datetime import datetime
from astropy.time import Time
from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units

import NuRadioReco.framework.event
import NuRadioReco.framework.station
import NuRadioReco.framework.hybrid_shower
import NuRadioReco.framework.radio_shower
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import stationParameters, showerParameters

import as rawTBBio
import as rawTBBio_metadata

logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.LOFAR.readLOFARData')

[docs] def get_metadata(filenames, metadata_dir): """ Get metadata from TBB file. Parameters ---------- filenames : list[str] List of TBB file paths to read in metadata_dir : str Path to the TBB metadata directory """"Getting metadata from filename: %s" % filenames) tbb_file = rawTBBio.MultiFile_Dal1(filenames, metadata_dir=metadata_dir) station_name = tbb_file.get_station_name() antenna_set = tbb_file.get_antenna_set() clock_frequency = tbb_file.SampleFrequency ns_per_sample = 1.0e9 / clock_frequency"The file contains %3.2f ns per sample" % ns_per_sample) # test time_s = tbb_file.get_timestamp() time_ns = ns_per_sample * tbb_file.get_nominal_sample_number() positions = tbb_file.get_LOFAR_centered_positions() dipole_ids = tbb_file.get_antenna_names() # Try to extract calibration delays from TBB metadata calibration_delays = tbb_file.get_timing_callibration_delays(force_file_delays=True) tbb_file.close_file() return ( station_name, antenna_set, time_s, time_ns, clock_frequency, positions, dipole_ids, calibration_delays, ) # switch to dict? But have to choose keys and read the m out again...
[docs] def lora_timestamp_to_blocknumber( lora_seconds, lora_nanoseconds, start_time, sample_number, clock_offset=1e4 * units.ns, block_size=2 ** 16, sampling_frequency=200 * units.MHz, ): """ Calculates block number corresponding to LORA timestamp and the sample number within that block Parameters ---------- lora_seconds : int LORA timestamp in seconds (UNIX timestamp, second after 1st January 1970) lora_nanoseconds : int The number of nanoseconds after `lora_seconds` at which LORA triggered start_time : int LOFAR TBB timestamp sample_number : int Sample number in the block where the trace starts clock_offset : float, default=1e4 * units.ns Clock offset between LORA and LOFAR block_size : int, default=2**16 Block size of the LOFAR data sampling_frequency : float, default=200 * units.MHz Sampling frequency of LOFAR Returns ------- A tuple containing `blocknumber` and `samplenumber`, in this order. """ lora_samplenumber = ( (lora_nanoseconds - clock_offset / units.ns) * sampling_frequency / units.MHz * 1e-3 ) # MHz to nanoseconds value = (lora_samplenumber - sample_number) + (lora_seconds - start_time) * (sampling_frequency / units.Hz) if value < 0: raise ValueError("Event not in file.") return int(value / block_size), int(value % block_size)
[docs] def LOFAR_event_id_to_unix(event_id): # 1262304000 = Unix timestamp on Jan 1, 2010 (date -u --date "Jan 1, 2010 00:00:00" +"%s") return event_id + 1262304000
[docs] def tbb_filetag_from_unix(timestamp): """ Returns TBB filename based on UNIX timestamp of an event. Parameters ---------- timestamp: int UNIX timestamp from GPS Returns ------- filename: str The tag in the TBB filename identifying the files of the event. Notes ----- Technically speaking there is no such thing as an "UTC timestamp". The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is a time standard , which defines a reference for current time. It uses hours, minutes and seconds to divide a day. Crucially, it allows for the introduction of leap seconds. The UNIX timestamp on the other hand is defined as the number of **non-leap** seconds passed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. However, when a leap second occurs the UNIX timestamp is actually reset (i.e. that same timestamp refers to two moments in time). As such, the UNIX timestamp remains synchronised with the UTC time (except for the one second that is a leap second). Note that astropy has support for leap seconds. During the day a leap seconds occurs, UNIX timestamps are reported as floating point values (instead of the usual integers). Conversely, converting a UNIX timestamp to a datetime will give a millisecond contribution. Though the seconds are still accounted for as one would expect. """ dt_object = Time(timestamp, format='unix').to_datetime() year = dt_object.year month = dt_object.month day = hour = dt_object.hour minute = dt_object.minute sec = dt_object.second radio_file_tag = "D" + str(year) + str(month).zfill(2) + str(day).zfill(2) radio_file_tag += "T" + str(hour).zfill(2) + str(minute).zfill(2) radio_file_tag += str(sec).zfill(2) return radio_file_tag
[docs] def tbbID_to_nrrID(channel_id, mode): """ Converts a TBB channel ID to the corresponding NRR channel ID given the antenna mode. This simply adds a "9" as the fourth element of the channelID, if the antenna mode is "LBA_inner". The function :func:`nrrID_to_tbbID` can be used to do the opposite. As of February 2024, this function only supports "LBA_INNER" and "LBA_OUTER" as possible antenna modes. Note that the antenna mode is always converted to lowercase, so the comparison is case-insensitive (i.e. "LBA_inner" and "LBA_INNER" are both recognised as the same antenna set). Parameters ---------- channel_id: str or int TBB channel ID mode: {"LBA_inner", "LBA_outer"} The antenna set for which to convert (case-insensitive). Returns ------- nrr_channel_id: str The NuRadioReco channelID corresponding to the TBB channelID depending on whether the antenna mode is "lba_inner" or "lba_outer" Notes ----- This function encodes the convention used in the `LOFAR.json` detector description. For the inner LBA antennas, a "9" was added as the fourth element of the channelID. However, the TBB files always use the same set of channel IDs (i.e. the same channel ID refers to different physical antennas depending on the antenna set). Given a channel ID from the TBB file and the antenna set, this function returns the channel ID of the corresponding channel in the NRR Detector description. """ # if channelID is integer, convert to string and fill it with zeroes at the beginning to get a string length of 9 if type(channel_id) == int: channel_id = str(channel_id).zfill(9) if mode.lower() == "lba_outer": # for LBA_outer, keep the zero on 4th position of string # For safety, the string is overwritten here. But it should not be necessary nrr_channel_id = channel_id[:3] + '0' + channel_id[4:] elif mode.lower() == "lba_inner": # for LBA_inner, replace the fourth digit (zero) in the string with a 9 nrr_channel_id = channel_id[:3] + '9' + channel_id[4:] else: logger.warning("%s is not a valid antenna mode - valid modes are LBA_inner and LBA_outer" % mode) nrr_channel_id = channel_id # return the input channel ID if mode is invalid. return nrr_channel_id
[docs] def nrrID_to_tbbID(channel_id): """ This function does the opposite of :func:`tbbID_to_nrrID` . It returns the TBB channel ID given a NRR channel ID. Following the convention used in the LOFAR detector description as of February 2024, this simply replaces the fourth element of the channelID with a "0". Parameters ---------- channel_id: str or int Channel ID Returns ------- tbb_channel_id: str The TBB channelID corresponding to the NuRadioReco channelID See Also -------- tbbID_to_nrrID : convert TBB channel ID to NRR channel ID """ # if channelID is integer, convert to string and fill it with zeroes at the beginning to get a string length of 9 if type(channel_id) == int: channel_id = str(channel_id).zfill(9) tbb_channel_id = channel_id[:3] + '0' + channel_id[4:] # replace fourth element with a 0 return tbb_channel_id
[docs] class getLOFARtraces: def __init__( self, tbb_h5_filename, metadata_dir, time_s, time_ns, trace_length_nbins ): """ A Class to facilitate getting traces from LOFAR TBB HDF5 Files Parameters ---------- time_s: int Event trigger timestamp in seconds time_ns: int Event trigger timestamp in ns past UTC second trace_length_nbins : int Desired length of trace to be loaded from TBB HDF5 files. This does not affect trace size read-in for RFI cleaning """ self.metadata_dir = metadata_dir self.data_filename = tbb_h5_filename self.trace_length_nbins = trace_length_nbins self.block_number = None self.sample_number_in_block = None self.tbb_file = None self.time_s = time_s self.time_ns = time_ns self.alignment_shift = None self.setup_trace_loading()
[docs] def setup_trace_loading(self): """ Opens the file and sets some variables. so that get_trace() can be called repeatedly for different dipoles. """ self.tbb_file = rawTBBio.MultiFile_Dal1(self.data_filename, metadata_dir=self.metadata_dir) sample_number = self.tbb_file.get_nominal_sample_number() timestamp = self.tbb_file.get_timestamp() station_clock_offsets = rawTBBio_metadata.getClockCorrections( metadata_dir=self.metadata_dir, time=timestamp ) this_station_name = self.tbb_file.get_station_name()"Getting clock offset for station %s" % this_station_name) this_clock_offset = station_clock_offsets[this_station_name] * units.s # kept constant at 1e4 in PyCRTools"Clock offset is %1.4e ns" % (this_clock_offset / units.ns)) packet = lora_timestamp_to_blocknumber(self.time_s, self.time_ns, timestamp, sample_number, clock_offset=this_clock_offset, block_size=self.trace_length_nbins) self.block_number, self.sample_number_in_block = packet self.alignment_shift = -( self.trace_length_nbins // 2 - self.sample_number_in_block ) # minus sign, apparently... "Block number = %d, sample number in block = %d, alignment shift = %d" % (self.block_number, self.sample_number_in_block, self.alignment_shift) )
[docs] def check_trace_quality(self): """ Check all traces recorded from the TBB against quality requirements. Returns ------- deviating_dipoles : set of str dipoles_missing_counterpart : set of str """ dipole_names = np.array(self.tbb_file.get_antenna_names()) # Find the dipoles whose starting sample number and/or number of samples recorded deviates from the median sample_number_per_antenna = self.tbb_file.get_all_sample_numbers() data_length_per_antenna = self.tbb_file.get_full_data_lengths() median_sample_number = np.median(sample_number_per_antenna) median_data_length = np.median(data_length_per_antenna) deviating_dipole_sample_number = np.where( np.abs( sample_number_per_antenna - median_sample_number ) > median_data_length / 4 )[0] deviating_dipole_starting_later = np.where( sample_number_per_antenna > median_sample_number )[0] deviating_dipole_data_length = np.where( np.abs( data_length_per_antenna - median_data_length ) > median_data_length / 10 )[0] deviating_dipoles = np.unique( np.concatenate( ( deviating_dipole_sample_number, deviating_dipole_starting_later, deviating_dipole_data_length ) ) ) # Also check if some dipoles are missing their counterpart all_dipoles = [int(x) % 100 for x in self.tbb_file.get_antenna_names()] dipoles_missing_counterpart = [x for x in all_dipoles if (x + (1 - 2 * (x % 2))) not in all_dipoles] # Use sets for superior search performance # Index with lists to make it work for empty arrays return set(dipole_names[list(deviating_dipoles)]), set(dipole_names[dipoles_missing_counterpart])
[docs] def get_trace(self, dipole_id): """ Parameters ---------- dipole_id: str The dipole id """ start_sample = self.trace_length_nbins * self.block_number start_sample += self.alignment_shift trace = self.tbb_file.get_data( start_sample, self.trace_length_nbins, antenna_ID=dipole_id ) return trace
[docs] def close_file(self): self.tbb_file.close_file() return
[docs] class readLOFARData: """ This class reads in the data from the TBB files and puts them into an Event structure. It relies on the KRATOS package. If the directory paths are not provided, they default to the ones on COMA. Parameters ---------- tbb_directory: Path-like str, default="/vol/astro3/lofar/vhecr/lora_triggered/data/" The path to the directory containing the TBB files. json_directory: Path-like str, default="/vol/astro7/lofar/kratos_files/json" The path to the directory containing the JSON files from LORA. metadata_directory: Path-like str, default="/vol/astro7/lofar/vhecr/kratos/data/" The path to the directory containing the LOFAR metadata (antenna positions and timing calibrations). """ def __init__(self, restricted_station_set=None, tbb_directory=None, json_directory=None, metadata_directory=None): self.logger = logger # logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.readLOFARData') self.tbb_dir = '/vol/astro5/lofar/astro3/vhecr/lora_triggered/data/' if tbb_directory is None else tbb_directory self.json_dir = '/vol/astro7/lofar/kratos_files/json' if json_directory is None else json_directory self.meta_dir = '/vol/astro7/lofar/vhecr/kratos/data/' if metadata_directory is None else metadata_directory self.__event_id = None self.__stations = None self.__lora_timestamp = None self.__lora_timestamp_ns = None self.__hybrid_shower = None self.__restricted_station_set = restricted_station_set @staticmethod def __new_stations(): """ Create a dictionary to contain all the LOFAR stations' file paths and metadata. The 'files' component has been initialised with lists in order to make it easier to append multiple files for a given station. Returns ------- station_dict: dict Dictionary with the station names as keys. """ return { 'CS001': {'files': []}, 'CS002': {'files': []}, 'CS003': {'files': []}, 'CS004': {'files': []}, 'CS005': {'files': []}, 'CS006': {'files': []}, 'CS007': {'files': []}, 'CS011': {'files': []}, 'CS013': {'files': []}, 'CS017': {'files': []}, 'CS021': {'files': []}, 'CS024': {'files': []}, 'CS026': {'files': []}, 'CS028': {'files': []}, 'CS030': {'files': []}, 'CS031': {'files': []}, 'CS032': {'files': []}, 'CS101': {'files': []}, 'CS103': {'files': []}, 'CS201': {'files': []}, 'CS301': {'files': []}, 'CS302': {'files': []}, 'CS401': {'files': []}, 'CS501': {'files': []}, } # Dictionary containing list of TBB files for every station in event
[docs] def get_stations(self): """ Return the internal dictionary which contains the paths to the TBB event files and the extracted metadata per stations. Returns ------- stations : dict Dictionary with station names as keys and dictionaries as values, who have a `files` key with as value a list of TBB filepaths and a `metadata` key which has a list with metadat as value. Notes ----- The metadata key is only set in the `readLOFARData.begin()` function, to avoid setting it multiple times if there is more than 1 TBB file for a given station. Metadata is a list containing (in this order): 1. station name 2. antenna set 3. tbb timestamp (seconds) 4. tbb timestamp (nanoseconds after last second) 5. station clock frequency (Hz) 6. positions of antennas 7. dipole IDs 8. calibration delays per dipole """ return self.__stations.copy()
[docs] def get_station_calibration_delays(self, station_id): """ Make a dictionary of channel ids and their corresponding calibration delays, to avoid misapplying the delays to the wrong channel. Also converts the list of channel IDs pulled from the TBB metadata to their NRR channel ID counterpart. Parameters ---------- station_id : int The station ID for which to get the calibration delays Returns ------- station_calibration_delays : dict Dictionary containing the NRR channel IDs as keys and the calibration delays as values """ station_name = f"CS{station_id:03}" station_calibration_delays = dict( zip( map( int, [tbbID_to_nrrID(channel_id, self.__stations[station_name]['metadata'][1]) for channel_id in self.__stations[station_name]['metadata'][-2]] ), self.__stations[station_name]['metadata'][-1] ) ) return station_calibration_delays
[docs] def begin(self, event_id, logger_level=logging.NOTSET): """ Prepare the reader to ingest the event with ID `event_id`. This resets the internal representation of the stations as well as the event ID. The timestamps are read from the LORA JSON file corresponding to the event. The function then globs through the TBB directory to find all files corresponding to the event and adds them to the corresponding station file list. It also loads the metadata for every station. Parameters ---------- event_id: int The ID of the event to load. logger_level : int, default=logging.NOTSET Use this parameter to override the logging level for this module. """ self.logger.setLevel(logger_level) # Set the internal variables self.__event_id = int(event_id) # ID might be provided as str self.__stations = self.__new_stations() # Check LORA file for parameters with open(os.path.join(self.json_dir, f'{self.__event_id}.json')) as file: lora_dict = json.load(file) self.__lora_timestamp = lora_dict["LORA"]["utc_time_stamp"] self.__lora_timestamp_ns = lora_dict["LORA"]["time_stamp_ns"] if self.__lora_timestamp != LOFAR_event_id_to_unix(self.__event_id): self.logger.error(f"LORA timestamp {self.__lora_timestamp} does not match event ID {self.__event_id}") # Read in data from LORA file and save it in a HybridShower self.__hybrid_shower = NuRadioReco.framework.hybrid_shower.HybridShower("LORA") # Read in zenith and azimuth -> make sure they are in range [-pi, pi] zenith = math.remainder(lora_dict["LORA"]["zenith_rad"], 2 * np.pi) azimuth = math.remainder(lora_dict["LORA"]["azimuth_rad"], 2 * np.pi) # Read in core position reconstruction from LORA core_pos_x = lora_dict["LORA"]["core_x_m"] core_pos_y = lora_dict["LORA"]["core_y_m"] # Read in energy estimate from LORA energy = lora_dict["LORA"]["energy_GeV"] # The LORA coordinate system has x pointing East -> set this through magnetic field vector (values from 2015) self.__hybrid_shower.set_parameter(showerParameters.magnetic_field_vector, np.array([0.004675, 0.186270, -0.456412])) self.__hybrid_shower.set_parameter(showerParameters.zenith, zenith * units.radian) self.__hybrid_shower.set_parameter(showerParameters.azimuth, azimuth * units.radian) # Add LORA core and energy to parameters. The z-Position of the core is always at 7.6m for LOFAR self.__hybrid_shower.set_parameter(showerParameters.core, np.array([core_pos_x * units.m, core_pos_y * units.m, 7.6 * units.m])) self.__hybrid_shower.set_parameter(, energy * units.GeV) # Go through TBB directory and identify all files for this event tbb_filename_pattern = tbb_filetag_from_unix(self.__lora_timestamp) tbb_filename_pattern = self.tbb_dir + "/*" + tbb_filename_pattern + "*.h5" self.logger.debug(f'Looking for files with {tbb_filename_pattern}...') all_tbb_files = glob.glob( tbb_filename_pattern ) # this is expensive in a big NFS-mounted directory... # TODO: save paths of files per event in some kind of database for tbb_filename in all_tbb_files: station_name = re.findall(r"CS\d\d\d", tbb_filename) station_name = next(iter(station_name), None) # Get the first entry, if the list is not empty -> defaults to None if station_name is None: logger.status(f'TBB file {tbb_filename} is for remote station, skipping...') continue if (self.__restricted_station_set is not None) and (station_name not in self.__restricted_station_set): continue # only process stations in the given set self.__stations[station_name]['files'].append(tbb_filename) # Save the metadata after all files for a station have been found # TODO: make metadata a dictionary for station_name in self.__stations: station_files = self.__stations[station_name]['files'] if len(station_files) > 0:'Found files {station_files} for station {station_name}...') self.__stations[station_name]['metadata'] = get_metadata(station_files, self.meta_dir)
[docs] @register_run() def run(self, detector, trace_length=65536): """ Runs the reader with the provided detector. For every station that has files associated with it, a Station object is created together with its channels (pulled from the detector description, depending on the antenna set (LBA_OUTER/INNER)). Every channel also gets a group ID which is retrieved from the Detector description. For LOFAR we use the integer value of the even dipole number, so channels '001000000' and '001000001', which are the two dipoles composing one physical antenna, both get group ID 1000000. Parameters ---------- detector: Detector object The detector description to be used for this event. trace_length: int Desired length of the trace to be loaded from TBB files. Yields ------ evt: Event object The event containing all the loaded traces. """ # Create an empty with 1 run, as only 1 shower per event evt = NuRadioReco.framework.event.Event(1, self.__event_id) # Add HybridShower to HybridInformation evt.get_hybrid_information().add_hybrid_shower(self.__hybrid_shower) # update the detector to the event time time = Time(self.__lora_timestamp, format='unix') detector.update(time) # Add all Detector stations to Event for station_name, station_dict in self.__stations.items(): station_id = int(station_name[2:]) station_files = station_dict['files'] if len(station_files) == 0: continue # The metadata is only defined if there are files in the station antenna_set = station_dict['metadata'][1] station = NuRadioReco.framework.station.Station(station_id) station.set_station_time(time) # Use KRATOS io functions to access trace lofar_trace_access = getLOFARtraces( station_files, self.meta_dir, self.__lora_timestamp, self.__lora_timestamp_ns, trace_length ) channels_deviating, channels_missing_counterpart = lofar_trace_access.check_trace_quality() self.logger.debug("Channels deviating: %s" % channels_deviating) self.logger.debug("Channels no counterpart: %s" % channels_missing_counterpart) # empty set to add the NRR flagged channel IDs to flagged_nrr_channel_ids: dict = defaultdict(list) flagged_nrr_channel_group_ids: set[int] = set() # keep track of channel group IDs to remove # Get the list of all dipole names which are present in the TTB file # This avoids issues when a TBB file would not contain all channels channel_tbb_ids: list[str] = station_dict['metadata'][6] self.logger.debug(f"These channels are present in the TBB file: {channel_tbb_ids}") for TBB_channel_id in channel_tbb_ids: # convert TBB ID to NRR equivalent based on antenna set to be able to access trace channel_id = int(tbbID_to_nrrID(TBB_channel_id, antenna_set)) if TBB_channel_id in channels_deviating: self.logger.status(f"Channel {channel_id} was flagged at read-in, " f"not adding to station {station_name}") flagged_nrr_channel_ids[channel_id].append("reader_deviating_channel") flagged_nrr_channel_group_ids.add(detector.get_channel_group_id(station_id, channel_id)) continue elif TBB_channel_id in channels_missing_counterpart: self.logger.status(f"Channel {channel_id} was flagged at read-in, " f"not adding to station {station_name}") flagged_nrr_channel_ids[channel_id].append("reader_channel_missing_counterpart") flagged_nrr_channel_group_ids.add(detector.get_channel_group_id(station_id, channel_id)) continue # read in trace, see if that works. Needed or overly careful? try: this_trace = lofar_trace_access.get_trace(TBB_channel_id) # TBB_channel_id is str of 9 digits except IndexError: self.logger.warning(f"Could not read data for channel id {channel_id}") flagged_nrr_channel_ids[channel_id].append("reader_trace_error") flagged_nrr_channel_group_ids.add(detector.get_channel_group_id(station_id, channel_id)) continue # The channel_group_id should be interpreted as an antenna index (e.g. like 'a1000000' which # was used in PyCRTools). The group ID is pulled from the Detector description. # Example: dipoles '001000000' (NRR ID 1000000) and '001000001' (NRR ID 1000001) # both get group ID 1000000 channel_group: int = detector.get_channel_group_id(station_id, channel_id) channel =, channel_group_id=channel_group) channel.set_trace(this_trace, station_dict['metadata'][4] * units.Hz) station.add_channel(channel) # Check both channels from the flagged group IDs are removed from station # This is needed because when a trace read in fails, the counterpart is not automatically removed self.logger.debug(f"Flagged channel group IDs: {flagged_nrr_channel_group_ids}") channels_to_remove = [] # cannot remove channel in loop, so store them and delete after for channel_group_id in flagged_nrr_channel_group_ids: try: for channel in station.iter_channel_group(channel_group_id): self.logger.status(f"Removing channel {channel.get_id()} with group ID {channel_group_id} " f"from station {station_name}") channels_to_remove.append(channel) except ValueError: # The channel_group_id not longer present in the station self.logger.debug(f"Both channels of group ID {channel_group_id} were already removed " f"from station {station_name}") for channel in channels_to_remove: station.remove_channel(channel) flagged_nrr_channel_ids[channel.get_id()].append("reader_removed_group_id") # store set of flagged nrr channel ids as station parameter station.set_parameter(stationParameters.flagged_channels, flagged_nrr_channel_ids) # Add station to Event evt.set_station(station) lofar_trace_access.close_file() # Add general event radio shower to event to store reconstruction values later radio_shower = NuRadioReco.framework.radio_shower.RadioShower( shower_id=evt.get_id(), station_ids=evt.get_station_ids() ) evt.add_shower(radio_shower) yield evt
[docs] def end(self): pass