import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from radiotools import helper as hp
from radiotools import coordinatesystems
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
import NuRadioReco.framework.sim_station
import NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace
import NuRadioReco.framework.electric_field
import NuRadioReco.framework.radio_shower
import radiotools.coordinatesystems
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import stationParameters as stnp
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import electricFieldParameters as efp
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import showerParameters as shp
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.coreas')
warning_printed_coreas_py = False
conversion_fieldstrength_cgs_to_SI = 2.99792458e10 * units.micro * units.volt / units.meter
def get_angles(corsika):
Converting angles in corsika coordinates to local coordinates
zenith = np.deg2rad(corsika['inputs'].attrs["THETAP"][0])
azimuth = hp.get_normalized_angle(3 * np.pi / 2. + np.deg2rad(corsika['inputs'].attrs["PHIP"][0]))
Bx, Bz = corsika['inputs'].attrs["MAGNET"]
B_inclination = np.arctan2(Bz, Bx)
B_strength = (Bx ** 2 + Bz ** 2) ** 0.5 * units.micro * units.tesla
# in local coordinates north is + 90 deg
magnetic_field_vector = B_strength * hp.spherical_to_cartesian(np.pi * 0.5 + B_inclination, 0 + np.pi * 0.5)
return zenith, azimuth, magnetic_field_vector
def calculate_simulation_weights(positions, zenith, azimuth, site='summit', debug=False):
"""Calculate weights according to the area that one simulated position represents.
Weights are therefore given in units of area.
Note: The volume of a 2d convex hull is the area."""
import scipy.spatial as spatial
positions = np.array(positions)
cstrafo = radiotools.coordinatesystems.cstrafo(zenith=zenith, azimuth=azimuth, magnetic_field_vector=None,
x_trafo_from_shower = cstrafo.transform_from_vxB_vxvxB(station_position=np.array([1, 0, 0]))
y_trafo_from_shower = cstrafo.transform_from_vxB_vxvxB(station_position=np.array([0, 1, 0]))
z_trafo_from_shower = cstrafo.transform_from_vxB_vxvxB(station_position=np.array([0, 0, 1]))
# voronoi has to be calculated in the shower plane due to symmetry reasons
shower = cstrafo.transform_to_vxB_vxvxB(station_position=positions)
vor = spatial.Voronoi(shower[:, :2]) # algorithm will find no solution if flat simulation is given in 3d.
if debug:
fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=[12, 4])
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(121)
ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(122)
spatial.voronoi_plot_2d(vor, ax1)
ax1.set_title('In shower plane, zenith = {:.2f}'.format(zenith /
ax1.set_xlabel(r'Position in $\vec{v} \times \vec{B}$ - direction [m]')
ax1.set_ylabel(r'Position in $\vec{v} \times \vec{v} \times \vec{B}$ - direction [m]')
weights = np.zeros_like(positions[:, 0])
for p in range(0, weights.shape[0]): # loop over all observer positions
vertices_shower_2d = vor.vertices[vor.regions[vor.point_region[p]]]
# x_vertice_ground = x_trafo_from_shower[0] * x_vertice_shower + y_trafo_from_shower[0] * y_vertice_shower + z_trafo_from_shower[0] * z_vertice_shower
# y_vertice_ground = x_trafo_from_shower[1] * x_vertice_shower + y_trafo_from_shower[1] * y_vertice_shower + z_trafo_from_shower[1] * z_vertice_shower
# z_vertice_ground = x_trafo_from_shower[2] * x_vertice_shower + y_trafo_from_shower[2] * y_vertice_shower + z_trafo_from_shower[2] * z_vertice_shower
x_vertice_shower = vertices_shower_2d[:, 0]
y_vertice_shower = vertices_shower_2d[:, 1]
z_vertice_shower = -(x_trafo_from_shower[2] * x_vertice_shower + y_trafo_from_shower[2] * y_vertice_shower) / z_trafo_from_shower[2]
vertices_shower_3d = []
for iter in range(len(x_vertice_shower)):
vertices_shower_3d.append([x_vertice_shower[iter], y_vertice_shower[iter], z_vertice_shower[iter]])
vertices_shower_3d = np.array(vertices_shower_3d)
vertices_ground = cstrafo.transform_from_vxB_vxvxB(station_position=vertices_shower_3d)
n_arms = 8 # mask last observer position of each arm
length_shower = np.sqrt(shower[:, 0] ** 2 + shower[:, 1] ** 2)
ind = np.argpartition(length_shower, -n_arms)[-n_arms:]
weight = spatial.ConvexHull(vertices_ground[:, :2])
weights[p] = weight.volume # volume of a 2d dataset is the area, area of a 2d data set is the perimeter
weights[ind] = 0
if debug:
ax2.plot(vertices_ground[:, 0], vertices_ground[:, 1], c='grey', zorder=1)
ax2.scatter(vertices_ground[:, 0], vertices_ground[:, 1], c='tab:orange', zorder=2)
if debug:
ax2.scatter(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1], c='tab:blue', s=10, label='Position of observer')
ax2.scatter(vertices_ground[:, 0], vertices_ground[:, 1], c='tab:orange', label='Vertices of cell')
ax2.set_title('On ground, total area {:.2f} $km^2$'.format(sum(weights) / ** 2))
ax2.set_xlabel('East [m]')
ax2.set_ylabel('West [m]')
ax2.set_xlim(-5000, 5000)
ax2.set_ylim(-5000, 5000)
fig3 = plt.figure(figsize=[12, 4])
ax4 = fig3.add_subplot(121)
ax5 = fig3.add_subplot(122)
ax4.set_title('Weight distribution')
ax4.set_xlabel(r'Weights (here area) $[m^2]$')
ax4.set_ylabel(r'Number of observer')
ax5.scatter(length_shower ** 2, weights)
ax5.set_xlabel(r'$Length^2 [m^2]$')
ax5.set_ylabel('Weight $[m^2]$')
return weights
def make_sim_station(station_id, corsika, observer, channel_ids, weight=None):
creates an NuRadioReco sim station from the (interpolated) observer object of the coreas hdf5 file
station_id : station id
the id of the station to create
corsika : hdf5 file object
the open hdf5 file object of the corsika hdf5 file
observer : hdf5 observer object
channel_ids :
weight : weight of individual station
weight corresponds to area covered by station
sim_station: sim station
simulated station object
zenith, azimuth, magnetic_field_vector = get_angles(corsika)
if(observer is None):
data = np.zeros((512, 4))
data[:, 0] = np.arange(0, 512) * units.ns / units.second
data = np.copy(observer)
data[:, 1], data[:, 2] = -observer[:, 2], observer[:, 1]
# convert to SI units
data[:, 0] *= units.second
data[:, 1] *= conversion_fieldstrength_cgs_to_SI
data[:, 2] *= conversion_fieldstrength_cgs_to_SI
data[:, 3] *= conversion_fieldstrength_cgs_to_SI
cs = coordinatesystems.cstrafo(zenith, azimuth, magnetic_field_vector=magnetic_field_vector)
efield = cs.transform_from_magnetic_to_geographic(data[:, 1:].T)
efield = cs.transform_from_ground_to_onsky(efield)
# prepend trace with zeros to not have the pulse directly at the start
n_samples_prepend = efield.shape[1]
efield2 = np.zeros((3, n_samples_prepend + efield.shape[1]))
efield2[0] = np.append(np.zeros(n_samples_prepend), efield[0])
efield2[1] = np.append(np.zeros(n_samples_prepend), efield[1])
efield2[2] = np.append(np.zeros(n_samples_prepend), efield[2])
sampling_rate = 1. / (corsika['CoREAS'].attrs['TimeResolution'] * units.second)
sim_station = NuRadioReco.framework.sim_station.SimStation(station_id)
electric_field = NuRadioReco.framework.electric_field.ElectricField(channel_ids)
electric_field.set_trace(efield2, sampling_rate)
electric_field.set_trace_start_time(data[0, 0])
electric_field.set_parameter(efp.ray_path_type, 'direct')
electric_field.set_parameter(efp.zenith, zenith)
electric_field.set_parameter(efp.azimuth, azimuth)
sim_station.set_parameter(stnp.azimuth, azimuth)
sim_station.set_parameter(stnp.zenith, zenith)
energy = corsika['inputs'].attrs["ERANGE"][0] * units.GeV
sim_station.set_parameter(stnp.cr_energy, energy)
sim_station.set_parameter(stnp.cr_xmax, corsika['CoREAS'].attrs['DepthOfShowerMaximum'])
sim_station.set_parameter(stnp.cr_energy_em, corsika["highlevel"].attrs["Eem"])
global warning_printed_coreas_py
if(not warning_printed_coreas_py):
logger.warning("No high-level quantities in HDF5 file, not setting EM energy, this warning will be only printed once")
warning_printed_coreas_py = True
return sim_station
def make_sim_shower(corsika, observer=None, detector=None, station_id=None):
creates an NuRadioReco sim shower from the coreas hdf5 file
corsika : hdf5 file object
the open hdf5 file object of the corsika hdf5 file
observer : hdf5 observer object
detector : detector object
station_id : station id of the station relativ to which the shower core is given
sim_shower: sim shower
simulated shower object
sim_shower = NuRadioReco.framework.radio_shower.RadioShower()
zenith, azimuth, magnetic_field_vector = get_angles(corsika)
sim_shower.set_parameter(shp.zenith, zenith)
sim_shower.set_parameter(shp.azimuth, azimuth)
sim_shower.set_parameter(shp.magnetic_field_vector, magnetic_field_vector)
energy = corsika['inputs'].attrs["ERANGE"][0] * units.GeV
sim_shower.set_parameter(, energy)
# We can only set the shower core relative to the station if we know its position
if observer is not None and detector is not None and station_id is not None:
station_position = detector.get_absolute_position(station_id)
position = observer.attrs['position']
cs = coordinatesystems.cstrafo(zenith, azimuth, magnetic_field_vector=magnetic_field_vector)
observer_position = np.zeros(3)
observer_position[0], observer_position[1], observer_position[2] = -position[1] *, position[0] *, position[2] *
observer_position = cs.transform_from_magnetic_to_geographic(observer_position)
core_position = (-observer_position + station_position)
core_position[2] = 0
sim_shower.set_parameter(shp.core, core_position)
sim_shower.set_parameter(shp.shower_maximum, corsika['CoREAS'].attrs['DepthOfShowerMaximum'] * units.g / units.cm2)
sim_shower.set_parameter(shp.refractive_index_at_ground, corsika['CoREAS'].attrs["GroundLevelRefractiveIndex"])
corsika['CoREAS'].attrs["RotationAngleForMagfieldDeclination"] *
corsika['CoREAS'].attrs["DistanceOfShowerMaximum"] *
sim_shower.set_parameter(shp.observation_level, corsika["inputs"].attrs["OBSLEV"] *
sim_shower.set_parameter(shp.primary_particle, corsika["inputs"].attrs["PRMPAR"])
if 'ATMOD' in corsika['inputs'].attrs.keys():
sim_shower.set_parameter(shp.atmospheric_model, corsika["inputs"].attrs["ATMOD"])
sim_shower.set_parameter(shp.electromagnetic_energy, corsika["highlevel"].attrs["Eem"] * units.eV)
global warning_printed_coreas_py
if(not warning_printed_coreas_py):
logger.warning("No high-level quantities in HDF5 file, not setting EM energy, this warning will be only printed once")
warning_printed_coreas_py = True
return sim_shower