Source code for

import NuRadioReco.framework.event
import NuRadioReco.framework.station
import NuRadioReco.framework.radio_shower
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import (
    showerParameters as shp, stationParameters as stnp, electricFieldParameters as efp)

from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
from import coreas, coreasInterpolator

from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from NuRadioReco.utilities.signal_processing import half_hann_window

from datetime import timedelta
import logging
import os
import time
import copy
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict

conversion_fieldstrength_cgs_to_SI = 2.99792458e10 * units.micro * units.volt / units.meter

[docs] def get_random_core_positions(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, n_cores, seed=None): """ Generate random core positions within a rectangle Parameters ---------- xmin: float minimum x value xmax: float maximum x value ymin: float minimum y value ymax: float maximum y value n_cores: int number of cores to generate seed: int seed for the random number generator Returns ------- cores: np.ndarray array containing the core positions, shaped as (n_cores, 2) """ random_generator = np.random.RandomState(seed) # generate core positions randomly within a rectangle cores = np.array([ random_generator.uniform(xmin, xmax, n_cores), random_generator.uniform(ymin, ymax, n_cores), ]).T return cores
[docs] def apply_hanning(efield): """ Apply a half-Hann window to the electric field in the time domain. This smoothens the edges to avoid ringing effects. Parameters ---------- efield: np.ndarray The electric field in the time domain, shaped as (n_samples, n_polarizations) Returns ------- smoothed_efield: np.ndarray The smoothed trace, shaped as (n_samples, n_polarizations) """ smoothed_trace = np.zeros_like(efield) filter = half_hann_window(efield.shape[0], half_percent=0.1) for pol in range(efield.shape[1]): smoothed_trace[:, pol] = efield[:, pol] * filter return smoothed_trace
[docs] def select_channels_per_station(det, station_id, requested_channel_ids): """ Returns a defaultdict object containing the requested channel ids that are in the given station. This dict contains the channel group ids as keys with lists of channel ids as values. Parameters ---------- det : DetectorBase The detector object that contains the station station_id : int The station id to select channels from requested_channel_ids : list of int List of requested channel ids Returns ------- channel_ids : defaultdict Dictionary with channel group ids as keys and lists of channel ids as values """ channel_ids = defaultdict(list) for channel_id in requested_channel_ids: if channel_id in det.get_channel_ids(station_id): channel_group_id = det.get_channel_group_id(station_id, channel_id) channel_ids[channel_group_id].append(channel_id) return channel_ids
[docs] class readCoREASDetector: """ Use this as default when reading CoREAS files and combining them with a detector. This module reads the electric fields of a CoREAS file with a star shaped pattern of observers. The electric field is then interpolated at the positions of the antennas or stations of a detector. If the angle between magnetic field and shower direction are below about 15 deg, the interpolation is no longer reliable and the closest observer is used instead. """ def __init__(self): self.__t = 0 self.__t_event_structure = 0 self.__t_per_event = 0 self.__corsika_evt = None self.coreas_interpolator = None self.logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.readCoREASDetector')
[docs] def begin(self, input_file, interp_lowfreq=30 * units.MHz, interp_highfreq=1000 * units.MHz, site=None, declination=None, log_level=logging.NOTSET): """ Begin method to initialize readCoREASDetector module. This function creates an Event using the provided CoREAS HDF5 file, using the `coreas.read_CORSIKA7()` function. The latter takes in the `declination` and `site` parameters in order to specify the declination of the magnetic field. Then, it creates a `coreasInterpolator.coreasInterpolator()` object with the event and initializes the electric field interpolator. Parameters ---------- input_file: str coreas hdf5 file interp_lowfreq: float, default=30 * units.MHz lower frequency for the bandpass filter in interpolation, should be broader than the sensitivity band of the detector interp_highfreq: float, default=1000 * units.MHz higher frequency for the bandpass filter in interpolation, should be broader than the sensitivity band of the detector declination: float, default=None The declination to use for the magnetic field, in internal units. Takes precedence over site. This parameter is passed on to the `coreas.read_CORSIKA7()` function. site: str, default=None Instead of declination, a site name can be given to retrieve the declination. This parameter is passed on to the `coreas.read_CORSIKA7()` function. log_level: default=logging.NOTSET log level for the logger """ self.logger.setLevel(log_level) filesize = os.path.getsize(input_file) if filesize < 18456 * 2: # based on the observation that a file with such a small filesize is corrupt self.logger.warning("file {} seems to be corrupt".format(input_file)) self.__corsika_evt = coreas.read_CORSIKA7(input_file, site=site, declination=declination) f"Using coreas simulation {input_file} with " f"E={self.__corsika_evt.get_first_sim_shower().get_parameter(}eV, " f"zenith angle = {self.__corsika_evt.get_first_sim_shower().get_parameter(shp.zenith) / units.deg:.2f}deg and " f"azimuth angle = {self.__corsika_evt.get_first_sim_shower().get_parameter(shp.azimuth) / units.deg:.2f}deg" ) self.coreas_interpolator = coreasInterpolator.coreasInterpolator(self.__corsika_evt) self.coreas_interpolator.initialize_efield_interpolator(interp_lowfreq, interp_highfreq)
[docs] @register_run() def run(self, detector, core_position_list, selected_station_channel_ids=None): """ run method, get interpolated electric fields for the given detector and core positions and set them in the event. The trace is smoothed with a half-Hann window to avoid ringing effects. When using short traces, this might have a significant effect on the result. Parameters ---------- detector: `NuRadioReco.detector.detector_base.DetectorBase` Detector description of the detector that shall be simulated core_position_list: list of (list of float) List of 2D or 3D core positions in the format [[x1, y1, (z1)], [x2, y2, (z2)], ...] The z coordinate is optional. It is actually encouraged to **not** use it, as it can mess with the observation level of the event. If not provided, all oberser positions are put at the observation by the interpolator (this is the behaviour of `coreasInterpolator.get_interp_efield_value`). selected_station_channel_ids: dict, default=None A dictionary containing the list of channels IDs to simulate per station. If None, all channels of all stations in the detector are simulated. To select a station and simulate all its channels, set its value to None. Yields ------ evt : `NuRadioReco.framework.event.Event` An Event containing a Station object for every selected station, which holds a SimStation containing the interpolated ElectricField traces for the selected channels. Examples -------- When running the module, you will probably want to run it with 2-dimensional core positions. This ensures that the observation level is not altered. It is possible to run with 3-dimensional core positions, but be careful to have the correct altitude, otherwise unexpected results might occur. >>> reader = readCoREASDetector() >>> reader.begin('coreas.hdf5', interp_lowfreq=30 * units.MHz, interp_highfreq=80 * units.MHz) >>> for evt in, [[0, 0], [10 * units.m, 10 * units.m]]): >>> print(evt.get_id()) If we only want to simulate a subset of the stations of our detector, we can select them by passing a dictionary for the selected_station_channel_ids parameter. The keys should be the station IDs and the value should be `None` to indicate we want to simulate all channels. So to simulate all channels of stations 2 and 7, we would do the following. >>> my_selection = {2: None, 7: None} >>> reader = readCoREASDetector() >>> reader.begin('coreas.hdf5', interp_lowfreq=30 * units.MHz, interp_highfreq=80 * units.MHz) >>> for evt in, [[0, 0], [10 * units.m, 10 * units.m]], selected_station_channel_ids): >>> print(evt.get_id()) Setting the value to a list of channel IDs will only simulate these selected channels of the station they are associated to. Here we simulate the first 4 channels of station 2 and the first 2 channels of station 7, for the case of the LOFAR detector description. >>> my_selection = {2: [2000000, 2000001, 2000002, 2000003], 7: [7000000, 7000001]} >>> reader = readCoREASDetector() >>> reader.begin('coreas.hdf5', interp_lowfreq=30 * units.MHz, interp_highfreq=80 * units.MHz) >>> for evt in, [[0, 0], [10 * units.m, 10 * units.m]], selected_station_channel_ids): >>> print(evt.get_id()) """ if selected_station_channel_ids is None: selected_station_ids = detector.get_station_ids() selected_station_channel_ids = {station_id: None for station_id in selected_station_ids}"Using all station ids in detector description: {selected_station_ids}") else: selected_station_ids = list(selected_station_channel_ids.keys())"Using selected station ids: {selected_station_ids}") t = time.time() t_per_event = time.time() self.__t_per_event += time.time() - t_per_event self.__t += time.time() - t # Loop over all cores for iCore, core in enumerate(core_position_list): t = time.time() # Create the Event and add the SimShower evt = NuRadioReco.framework.event.Event(self.__corsika_evt.get_run_number(), iCore) corsika_sim_stn = self.__corsika_evt.get_station(0).get_sim_station() sim_shower = copy.deepcopy(self.__corsika_evt.get_first_sim_shower()) # Don't modify the original shower sim_shower.set_parameter(shp.core, core) evt.add_sim_shower(sim_shower) # Loop over all selected stations for station_id in selected_station_ids: # Make the (Sim)Station objects to add to the Event station = NuRadioReco.framework.station.Station(station_id) sim_station = NuRadioReco.framework.sim_station.SimStation(station_id) # Copy relevant SimStation parameters over for key, value in corsika_sim_stn.get_parameters().items(): sim_station.set_parameter(key, value) sim_station.set_magnetic_field_vector(corsika_sim_stn.get_magnetic_field_vector()) sim_station.set_is_cosmic_ray() # Find all the selected channels for this station det_station_position = detector.get_absolute_position(station_id) if selected_station_channel_ids[station_id] is None: selected_channel_ids = detector.get_channel_ids(station_id) else: selected_channel_ids = selected_station_channel_ids[station_id] # Get the channels in a dictionary with channel group as key and a list of channel ids as value channel_ids_dict = select_channels_per_station(detector, station_id, selected_channel_ids) for ch_g_ids, channel_ids_for_group_id in channel_ids_dict.items(): # Get the absolute antenna position antenna_position_rel = detector.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_ids_for_group_id[0]) antenna_position = det_station_position + antenna_position_rel # Get the interpolated electric field and smooth it res_efield, res_trace_start_time = self.coreas_interpolator.get_interp_efield_value( antenna_position[:len(core)] - core # get the trace at the relative distance from the core ) smooth_res_efield = apply_hanning(res_efield) # Store the trace in an ElecticField object coreas.add_electric_field_to_sim_station( sim_station, channel_ids_for_group_id, smooth_res_efield.T, res_trace_start_time, sim_shower[shp.zenith], sim_shower[shp.azimuth], self.coreas_interpolator.sampling_rate) sim_station.set_parameter(stnp.zenith, sim_shower[shp.zenith]) sim_station.set_parameter(stnp.azimuth, sim_shower[shp.azimuth]) station.set_sim_station(sim_station) evt.set_station(station) self.__t += time.time() - t yield evt
[docs] def end(self): dt = timedelta(seconds=self.__t)"total time used by this module is {}".format(dt))"\tcreate event structure {}".format(timedelta(seconds=self.__t_event_structure)))"per event {}".format(timedelta(seconds=self.__t_per_event))) return dt