import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units, fft
from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
import NuRadioReco.utilities.io_utilities
import NuRadioReco.framework.electric_field
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import stationParameters as stnp
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import showerParameters as shp
import radiotools.helper as hp
import NuRadioMC.SignalProp.analyticraytracing
import NuRadioMC.utilities.medium
import NuRadioMC.SignalGen.askaryan
class neutrino2DVertexReconstructor:
def __init__(self, lookup_table_location):
Constructor for the vertex reconstructor
lookup_table_location: string
path to the folder in which the lookup tables for the signal travel
times are stored
self.__lookup_table_location = lookup_table_location
self.__detector = None
self.__lookup_table = {}
self.__header = {}
self.__channel_ids = None
self.__station_id = None
self.__channel_pairs = None
self.__rec_x = None
self.__rec_z = None
self.__sampling_rate = None
self.__channel_pair = None
self.__channel_positions = None
self.__correlation = None
self.__max_corr_index = None
self.__current_ray_types = None
self.__passband = None
self.__template = None
self.__output_path = None
self.__ray_types = [
['direct', 'direct'],
['reflected', 'reflected'],
['refracted', 'refracted'],
['direct', 'reflected'],
['reflected', 'direct'],
['direct', 'refracted'],
['refracted', 'direct'],
['reflected', 'refracted'],
['refracted', 'reflected']
self.__dnr_ray_types = [
['direct', 'reflected'],
['reflected', 'direct'],
['direct', 'refracted'],
['refracted', 'direct'],
['reflected', 'refracted'],
['refracted', 'reflected']
def begin(self, station_id, channel_ids, detector, passband=None, template=None, output_path=None):
General settings for vertex reconstruction
station_id: integer
ID of the station to be used for the reconstruction
channel_ids: array of integers
IDs of the channels to be used for the reconstruction
detector: Detector or GenericDetector
Detector description for the detector used in the reconstruction
passband: array of float or None
Passband of the filter that should be applied to channel traces before
calculating the correlation. If None is passed, no filter is applied
template: array of float or none
Waveform template with which the channel waveforms are correlated to determine
the timing differences. If None is passed, the channels are correlated directly
with each other
output_path: string or None
Location where plots of the reconstruction are saved. If None is passed, no plots are
first_channel_position = detector.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_ids[0])
for channel_id in channel_ids:
pos = detector.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_id)
# Check if channels are on the same string. Allow some tolerance for
# uncertainties from deployment
if np.abs(pos[0] - first_channel_position[0]) > 1. * units.m or np.abs(pos[1] - first_channel_position[1]) > 1. * units.m:
raise ValueError('All channels have to be on the same string')
self.__detector = detector
self.__channel_ids = channel_ids
self.__station_id = station_id
self.__channel_pairs = []
for i in range(len(channel_ids) - 1):
for j in range(i + 1, len(channel_ids)):
self.__channel_pairs.append([channel_ids[i], channel_ids[j]])
self.__lookup_table = {}
self.__header = {}
self.__passband = passband
for channel_id in channel_ids:
channel_z = abs(detector.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_id)[2])
if channel_z not in self.__lookup_table.keys():
f = NuRadioReco.utilities.io_utilities.read_pickle('{}/lookup_table_{}.p'.format(self.__lookup_table_location, int(abs(channel_z))))
self.__header[int(channel_z)] = f['header']
self.__lookup_table[int(abs(channel_z))] = f['antenna_{}'.format(channel_z)]
self.__template = template
self.__output_path = output_path
def run(self, event, station, max_distance, z_width, grid_spacing, direction_guess=None, debug=False, use_dnr=False):
Execute the 2D vertex reconstruction
station: Station
The station for which the vertex shall be reconstructed
max_distance: number
Maximum distance up to which the vertex position shall be searched
z_width: number
Vertical size of the search area. If direction_guess is specified, a
stripe of z_width to each side of the initial direction will be searched.
If direction_guess is not specified, z_width is the maximum depth up
to which the vertex will be searched.
grid_spacing: number
Distance between two points of the grid on which the vertex is searched
direction_guess: number, defaults to None
Zenith for an initial guess of the vertex direction. If specified,
a strip if width 2*z_width around the guessed direction will be searched
debug: boolean
If True, debug plots will be produced
use_dnr: boolean
If True, DnR pulses are included in the reconstruction by correlating
the channel waveforms with themselves.
distances = np.arange(50. * units.m, max_distance, grid_spacing)
if direction_guess is None:
heights = np.arange(-z_width, 0, grid_spacing)
heights = np.arange(-z_width, z_width, grid_spacing)
x_0, z_0 = np.meshgrid(distances, heights)
# Create list of coordinates at which we look for the vertex position
# If we have an initial guess for the vertex direction, we only check possible vertex locations around that
# direction, otherwise we search the whole space
if direction_guess is None:
x_coords = x_0
z_coords = z_0
x_coords = np.cos(direction_guess - 90. * units.deg) * x_0 + np.sin(direction_guess - 90. * units.deg) * z_0
z_coords = -np.sin(direction_guess - 90. * units.deg) * x_0 + np.cos(direction_guess - 90. * units.deg) * z_0
correlation_sum = np.zeros(x_coords.shape)
corr_range = 50. * units.ns
for i_pair, channel_pair in enumerate(self.__channel_pairs):
ch1 = station.get_channel(channel_pair[0])
ch2 = station.get_channel(channel_pair[1])
snr1 = np.max(np.abs(ch1.get_trace()))
snr2 = np.max(np.abs(ch2.get_trace()))
if snr1 == 0 or snr2 == 0:
spec1 = np.copy(ch1.get_frequency_spectrum())
spec2 = np.copy(ch2.get_frequency_spectrum())
if self.__passband is not None:
b, a = scipy.signal.butter(10, self.__passband, 'bandpass', analog=True)
w, h = scipy.signal.freqs(b, a, ch1.get_frequencies())
spec1 *= h
spec2 *= h
trace1 = fft.freq2time(spec1, ch1.get_sampling_rate())
trace2 = fft.freq2time(spec2, ch2.get_sampling_rate())
if self.__template is not None:
corr_1 = hp.get_normalized_xcorr(trace1, self.__template)
corr_2 = hp.get_normalized_xcorr(trace2, self.__template)
self.__correlation = np.zeros_like(corr_1)
sample_shifts = np.arange(-len(corr_1) // 2, len(corr_1) // 2, dtype=int)
toffset = sample_shifts / ch1.get_sampling_rate()
for i_shift, shift_sample in enumerate(sample_shifts):
self.__correlation[i_shift] = np.max(corr_1 * np.roll(corr_2, shift_sample))
t_max1 = ch1.get_times()[np.argmax(np.abs(trace1))]
t_max2 = ch2.get_times()[np.argmax(np.abs(trace2))]
if snr1 > snr2:
trace1[np.abs(ch1.get_times() - t_max1) > corr_range] = 0
trace2[np.abs(ch2.get_times() - t_max2) > corr_range] = 0
self.__correlation = np.abs(scipy.signal.correlate(trace1, trace2))
toffset = -(np.arange(0, self.__correlation.shape[0]) - self.__correlation.shape[0] / 2.) / ch1.get_sampling_rate()
if np.sum(np.abs(self.__correlation)) > 0:
self.__correlation /= np.sum(np.abs(self.__correlation))
corr_snr = np.max(self.__correlation) / np.mean(self.__correlation[self.__correlation > 0])
self.__sampling_rate = ch1.get_sampling_rate()
self.__channel_pair = channel_pair
self.__channel_positions = [self.__detector.get_relative_position(self.__station_id, channel_pair[0]), self.__detector.get_relative_position(self.__station_id, channel_pair[1])]
correlation_array = np.zeros_like(correlation_sum)
# Check every hypothesis for which ray types the antennas might have detected
for i_ray in range(len(self.__ray_types)):
self.__current_ray_types = self.__ray_types[i_ray]
correlation_array = np.maximum(self.get_correlation_array_2d(x_coords, z_coords), correlation_array)
if np.max(correlation_array) > 0:
if self.__template is None:
correlation_sum += correlation_array / np.max(correlation_array) * corr_snr
correlation_sum += correlation_array
max_corr_index = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(correlation_sum), correlation_sum.shape)
max_corr_r = x_coords[max_corr_index[0]][max_corr_index[1]]
max_corr_z = z_coords[max_corr_index[0]][max_corr_index[1]]
if debug:
fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 12))
ax1_1 = fig1.add_subplot(1, 3, 1)
ax1_2 = fig1.add_subplot(1, 3, 2, sharey=ax1_1)
ax1_3 = fig1.add_subplot(1, 3, 3)
ax1_1.plot(ch1.get_times(), ch1.get_trace() / units.mV, c='C0', alpha=.3)
ax1_2.plot(ch2.get_times(), ch2.get_trace() / units.mV, c='C1', alpha=.3)
ax1_1.plot(ch1.get_times()[np.abs(trace1) > 0], trace1[np.abs(trace1) > 0] / units.mV, c='C0', alpha=1)
ax1_2.plot(ch2.get_times()[np.abs(trace2) > 0], trace2[np.abs(trace2) > 0] / units.mV, c='C1', alpha=1)
ax1_1.plot(ch1.get_times()[:len(self.__template)], self.__template, c='k')
ax1_1.set_xlabel('t [ns]')
ax1_1.set_ylabel('U [mV]')
ax1_1.set_title('Channel {}'.format(self.__channel_pair[0]))
ax1_2.set_xlabel('t [ns]')
ax1_2.set_ylabel('U [mV]')
ax1_2.set_title('Channel {}'.format(self.__channel_pair[1]))
ax1_3.plot(toffset, self.__correlation)
ax1_3.set_title('$SNR_{corr}$=%.2f' % (corr_snr))
ax2_1 = fig2.add_subplot(211)
ax2_2 = fig2.add_subplot(212)
corr_plots = ax2_1.pcolor(x_coords, z_coords, correlation_array)
sum_plots = ax2_2.pcolor(x_coords, z_coords, correlation_sum)
fig2.colorbar(corr_plots, ax=ax2_1)
fig2.colorbar(sum_plots, ax=ax2_2)
sim_vertex = None
for shower in event.get_sim_showers():
if shower.has_parameter(shp.vertex):
sim_vertex = shower.get_parameter(shp.vertex)
if sim_vertex is not None:
ax2_1.axvline(np.sqrt(sim_vertex[0]**2 + sim_vertex[1]**2), c='r', linestyle=':')
ax2_1.axhline(sim_vertex[2], c='r', linestyle=':')
ax2_2.axvline(np.sqrt(sim_vertex[0]**2 + sim_vertex[1]**2), c='r', linestyle=':')
ax2_2.axhline(sim_vertex[2], c='r', linestyle=':')
ax2_1.axvline(max_corr_r, c='k', linestyle=':')
ax2_1.axhline(max_corr_z, c='k', linestyle=':')
ax2_2.axvline(max_corr_r, c='k', linestyle=':')
ax2_2.axhline(max_corr_z, c='k', linestyle=':')
if use_dnr:
dnr_correlation_sum = np.zeros(x_coords.shape)
for channel_id in self.__channel_ids:
channel = station.get_channel(channel_id)
spec = channel.get_frequency_spectrum()
if self.__passband is not None:
b, a = scipy.signal.butter(10, self.__passband, 'bandpass', analog=True)
w, h = scipy.signal.freqs(b, a, channel.get_frequencies())
spec *= h
trace = fft.freq2time(spec, channel.get_sampling_rate())
corr = hp.get_normalized_xcorr(trace, self.__template)
self.__correlation = np.zeros_like(corr)
sample_shifts = np.arange(-len(corr) // 2, len(corr) // 2, dtype=int)
toffset = sample_shifts / channel.get_sampling_rate()
for i_shift, shift_sample in enumerate(sample_shifts):
self.__correlation[i_shift] = np.max(corr * np.roll(corr, shift_sample))
self.__correlation[np.abs(toffset) <= 5] = 0
self.__sampling_rate = channel.get_sampling_rate()
self.__channel_pair = [channel_id, channel_id]
self.__channel_positions = [self.__detector.get_relative_position(self.__station_id, channel_id),
self.__detector.get_relative_position(self.__station_id, channel_id)]
correlation_array = np.zeros_like(correlation_sum)
for i_ray in range(len(self.__dnr_ray_types)):
self.__current_ray_types = self.__dnr_ray_types[i_ray]
correlation_array = np.maximum(self.get_correlation_array_2d(x_coords, z_coords), correlation_array)
if np.max(correlation_array) > 0:
dnr_correlation_sum += correlation_array
max_corr_dnr_index = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(correlation_sum + dnr_correlation_sum), correlation_sum.shape)
max_corr_dnr_r = x_coords[max_corr_dnr_index[0]][max_corr_dnr_index[1]]
max_corr_dnr_z = z_coords[max_corr_dnr_index[0]][max_corr_dnr_index[1]]
if self.__output_path is not None:
if use_dnr:
fig3 = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
ax3_1 = fig3.add_subplot(321)
ax3_2 = fig3.add_subplot(322)
ax3_3 = fig3.add_subplot(3, 2, (3, 6))
fig3 = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
ax3_1 = fig3.add_subplot(111)
import skimage.transform
downscaled_image = skimage.transform.rescale(correlation_sum, .2)
rescaled_xcoords = skimage.transform.rescale(x_coords, .2)
rescaled_zcoords = skimage.transform.rescale(z_coords, .2)
corr_plot = ax3_1.pcolor(rescaled_xcoords, rescaled_zcoords, downscaled_image)
plt.colorbar(corr_plot, ax=ax3_1)
sim_vertex = None
for shower in event.get_sim_showers():
if shower.has_parameter(shp.vertex):
sim_vertex = shower.get_parameter(shp.vertex)
if sim_vertex is not None:
ax3_1.axvline(np.sqrt(sim_vertex[0] ** 2 + sim_vertex[1] ** 2), c='r', linestyle=':')
ax3_1.axhline(sim_vertex[2], c='r', linestyle=':')
ax3_1.axvline(max_corr_r, c='k', linestyle=':')
ax3_1.axhline(max_corr_z, c='k', linestyle=':')
if use_dnr:
downscaled_dnr_image = skimage.transform.rescale(dnr_correlation_sum, .2)
dnr_corr_plot = ax3_2.pcolor(rescaled_xcoords, rescaled_zcoords, downscaled_dnr_image)
if np.max(downscaled_dnr_image) > .1:
ax3_2.contour(rescaled_xcoords, rescaled_zcoords, downscaled_dnr_image, levels=[.1], colors='k', alpha=.3)
plt.colorbar(dnr_corr_plot, ax=ax3_2)
combined_corr_plot = ax3_3.pcolor(rescaled_xcoords, rescaled_zcoords, downscaled_dnr_image + downscaled_image)
plt.colorbar(combined_corr_plot, ax=ax3_3)
if sim_vertex is not None:
ax3_2.axvline(np.sqrt(sim_vertex[0] ** 2 + sim_vertex[1] ** 2), c='r', linestyle=':')
ax3_2.axhline(sim_vertex[2], c='r', linestyle=':')
ax3_3.axvline(np.sqrt(sim_vertex[0] ** 2 + sim_vertex[1] ** 2), c='r', linestyle=':')
ax3_3.axhline(sim_vertex[2], c='r', linestyle=':')
ax3_3.axvline(max_corr_dnr_r, c='k', linestyle=':')
ax3_3.axhline(max_corr_dnr_z, c='k', linestyle=':')
fig3.savefig('{}/vertex_reco_{}.png'.format(self.__output_path, event.get_id()))
if max_corr_index is None:
self.__rec_x = x_coords[max_corr_index[0]][max_corr_index[1]]
self.__rec_z = z_coords[max_corr_index[0]][max_corr_index[1]]
station.set_parameter(stnp.vertex_2D_fit, [self.__rec_x, self.__rec_z])
def get_correlation_array_2d(self, x, z):
Returns the correlations corresponding to the different
signal travel times between channels for the given positions.
This is done by correcting for the distance of the channels
from the station center and then calling
self.get_correlation_for_pos, which does the actual work.
x, z: array
Coordinates of the points for which calculations are
to be calculated. Correspond to the (r, z) pair
of cylindrical coordinates.
channel_pos1 = self.__channel_positions[0]
channel_pos2 = self.__channel_positions[1]
d_hor1 = np.sqrt((x - channel_pos1[0])**2 + (channel_pos1[1])**2)
d_hor2 = np.sqrt((x - channel_pos2[0])**2 + (channel_pos2[1])**2)
res = self.get_correlation_for_pos(np.array([d_hor1, d_hor2]), z)
return res
def get_correlation_for_pos(self, d_hor, z):
Returns the correlations corresponding to the different
signal travel times between channels for the given positions.
d_hor, z: array
Coordinates of the points for which calculations are
to be calculated. Correspond to the (r, z) pair
of cylindrical coordinates.
t1 = self.get_signal_travel_time(d_hor[0], z, self.__current_ray_types[0], self.__channel_pair[0])
t2 = self.get_signal_travel_time(d_hor[1], z, self.__current_ray_types[1], self.__channel_pair[1])
delta_t = t1 - t2
delta_t = delta_t.astype(float)
corr_index = self.__correlation.shape[0] / 2 + np.round(delta_t * self.__sampling_rate)
corr_index[np.isnan(corr_index)] = 0
mask = (~np.isnan(delta_t)) & (corr_index > 0) & (corr_index < self.__correlation.shape[0]) & (~np.isinf(delta_t))
corr_index[~mask] = 0
res = np.take(self.__correlation, corr_index.astype(int))
res[~mask] = 0
return res
def get_signal_travel_time(self, d_hor, z, ray_type, channel_id):
Calculate the signal travel time between a position and the
d_hor, z: numbers or arrays of numbers
Coordinates of the point from which to calculate the
signal travel times. Correspond to (r, z) coordinates
in cylindrical coordinates.
ray_type: string
Ray type for which to calculate the travel times. Options
are direct, reflected and refracted
channel_id: int
ID of the channel to which the travel time shall be calculated
channel_pos = self.__detector.get_relative_position(self.__station_id, channel_id)
channel_type = int(abs(channel_pos[2]))
travel_times = np.zeros_like(d_hor)
mask = np.ones_like(travel_times).astype(bool)
channel_z = abs(self.__detector.get_relative_position(self.__station_id, channel_id)[2])
if channel_z not in self.__lookup_table.keys():
f = NuRadioReco.utilities.io_utilities.read_pickle(
'{}/lookup_table_{}.p'.format(self.__lookup_table_location, int(abs(channel_z))))
self.__header[int(channel_z)] = f['header']
self.__lookup_table[int(abs(channel_z))] = f['antenna_{}'.format(channel_z)]
i_x = np.array(np.round((-d_hor - self.__header[channel_type]['x_min']) / self.__header[channel_type]['d_x'])).astype(int)
mask[i_x > self.__lookup_table[channel_type][ray_type].shape[0] - 1] = False
i_z = np.array(np.round((z - self.__header[channel_type]['z_min']) / self.__header[channel_type]['d_z'])).astype(int)
mask[i_z > self.__lookup_table[channel_type][ray_type].shape[1] - 1] = False
i_x[~mask] = 0
i_z[~mask] = 0
travel_times = self.__lookup_table[channel_type][ray_type][i_x, i_z]
travel_times[~mask] = np.nan
return travel_times
def find_ray_type(self, station, ch1):
Calculate the most likely ray type (direct, reflected
or refracted) of the signal that reached the detector.
This is done by taking the reconstructed vertex position,
calculating the expected time offset between channels and
checking for which ray type scenario the correlation
between channels is largest.
station: station object
The station on which this reconstruction was run
ch1: channel object
The channel for which the ray type shall be determined
corr_range = 50. * units.ns
ray_types = ['direct', 'refracted', 'reflected']
ray_type_correlations = np.zeros(3)
for i_ray_type, ray_type in enumerate(ray_types):
for channel_id in self.__channel_ids:
if channel_id != ch1.get_id():
ch2 = station.get_channel(channel_id)
snr1 = np.max(np.abs(ch1.get_trace()))
snr2 = np.max(np.abs(ch2.get_trace()))
trace1 = np.copy(ch1.get_trace())
t_max1 = ch1.get_times()[np.argmax(np.abs(trace1))]
trace2 = np.copy(ch2.get_trace())
t_max2 = ch2.get_times()[np.argmax(np.abs(trace2))]
if snr1 > snr2:
trace1[np.abs(ch1.get_times() - t_max1) > corr_range] = 0
trace2[np.abs(ch2.get_times() - t_max2) > corr_range] = 0
correlation = np.abs(scipy.signal.hilbert(scipy.signal.correlate(trace1, trace2)))
correlation /= np.sum(np.abs(correlation))
t_1 = self.get_signal_travel_time(np.array([self.__rec_x]), np.array([self.__rec_z]), ray_type, ch1.get_id())[0]
t_2 = self.get_signal_travel_time(np.array([self.__rec_x]), np.array([self.__rec_z]), ray_type, ch2.get_id())[0]
if np.isnan(t_1) or np.isnan(t_2):
return None
delta_t = t_1 - t_2
corr_index = correlation.shape[0] / 2 + np.round(delta_t * self.__sampling_rate)
if np.isnan(corr_index):
return None
corr_index = int(corr_index)
if 0 < corr_index < len(correlation):
ray_type_correlations[i_ray_type] += correlation[int(corr_index)]
return ray_types[np.argmax(ray_type_correlations)]
def find_receiving_zenith(self, station, ray_type, channel_id):
solution_types = {1: 'direct',
2: 'refracted',
3: 'reflected'}
nu_vertex_2D = station.get_parameter(stnp.vertex_2D_fit)
nu_vertex = [nu_vertex_2D[0], 0, nu_vertex_2D[1]]
ray_tracer = NuRadioMC.SignalProp.analyticraytracing.ray_tracing(
self.__detector.get_relative_position(station.get_id(), channel_id) + self.__detector.get_absolute_position(station.get_id()),
for i_solution, solution in enumerate(ray_tracer.get_results()):
if solution_types[ray_tracer.get_solution_type(i_solution)] == ray_type:
receive_vector = ray_tracer.get_receive_vector(i_solution)
receive_zenith = hp.cartesian_to_spherical(receive_vector[0], receive_vector[1], receive_vector[2])[0]
travel_time = ray_tracer.get_travel_time(i_solution)
return receive_zenith, travel_time
return None, None