import numpy as np
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
from scipy.integrate import quad
import os.path
# References
# data_auger_19:
# data_TA_21: data provided by van Vliet
# analytic spectrum TA_19:
# analytic spectrum auger:
def get_measured_data(type='data_auger_19'):
Helper function get data points in NuRadio base units
type: string
choose between data_auger_19 and data_TA_21
E: array of floats
energie in eV
J: array of floats
flux of cosmic ray
Err_up: array of floats
upper error bar on flux
Err_low: array of floats
lower error bar on flux
if type == 'data_auger_19':
abspath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(abspath, 'data/Auger_combined_spectrum_ICRC_2019.txt'), skiprows=3)
# from PRL paper 2020 based on ICRC 2019
E = 10 ** (data[:, 0]) * units.eV
E_J = data[:, 1] * units.m ** -2 * units.second ** -1 * units.steradian ** -1
J = E_J / E
J_err_low = data[:, 3] * units.m ** -2 * units.second ** -1 * units.steradian ** -1 / E
J_err_up = data[:, 2] * units.m ** -2 * units.second ** -1 * units.steradian ** -1 / E
elif type == 'data_TA_21':
abspath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(abspath, 'data/TA_combined_spectrum_ICRC_2021.txt'), skiprows=10)
E = 10 ** (data[:, 0]) * units.eV
J = data[:, 2] * units.eV ** -1 * units.m ** -2 * units.second ** -1 * units.steradian ** -1
J_band_low = data[:, 3] * units.eV ** -1 * units.m ** -2 * units.second ** -1 * units.steradian ** -1
J_band_up = data[:, 4] * units.eV ** -1 * units.m ** -2 * units.second ** -1 * units.steradian ** -1
J_err_low = J - J_band_low
J_err_up = J_band_up - J
raise NotImplementedError(f"Type {type} is not supported")
return E, J, J_err_low, J_err_up
def get_interpolated_cr_flux(log10_energy, type='data_auger_19'):
Evaluates the scipy interpolation of the measured data at a given energy
log10_energy: float
energies (in log10(E / eV)))
type: string
choose between data_auger_19 and data_TA_21
scipy interpolation of data in NuRadio base units (which are 1/(eV m^2 sr ns) )
E, J, J_err_low, J_err_up = get_measured_data(type)
log10_e = np.log10(E)
flux_interpolation = interpolate.interp1d(log10_e, J, fill_value=0, bounds_error=True)
return flux_interpolation(log10_energy)
def get_analytic_cr_flux(log10_energy, type="auger_19"):
log10_energy: float
energies (in log10(E / eV)))
type: string
choose between auger_17, auger_19 and TA_19
analytic parametrization of spectrum in NuRadio base units (which are 1/(eV m^2 sr ns)
energy = 10 ** log10_energy
if type == "auger_17":
p = np.array([2.8e-19, 5.08e18, 39e18, 3.293, 2.53, 2.5])
spectrum = np.where(energy < p[1],
p[0] * (energy / p[1]) ** (-p[3]),
p[0] * (energy / p[1]) ** (-p[4]) * (1 + (p[1] / p[2]) ** p[5])
* (1 + (energy / p[2]) ** p[5]) ** -1)
spectrum = spectrum * (units.eV * ** 2 * * units.year) ** -1
elif type == "auger_19":
p = np.array([3.46e12, 1.5e17, 6.2e18, 12e18, 50e18, 2.92, 3.27, 2.2, 3.2, 5.4])
spectrum = (energy / p[0]) ** (-p[5]) * \
(1 + (energy / p[1]) ** p[5]) / (1 + (energy / p[1]) ** p[6]) * \
(1 + (energy / p[2]) ** p[6]) / (1 + (energy / p[2]) ** p[7]) * \
(1 + (energy / p[3]) ** p[7]) / (1 + (energy / p[3]) ** p[8]) * \
(1 + (energy / p[4]) ** p[8]) / (1 + (energy / p[4]) ** p[9])
spectrum = spectrum * (units.eV * ** 2 * * units.year) ** -1
elif type == "TA_19":
p1 = -3.28
p2 = -2.68
p3 = -4.84
E1 = 10 ** 18.69
E2 = 10 ** 19.81
c = 2.24e-30
c1 = c * (E1 / 1e18) ** p1
c2 = c1 * (E2 / E1) ** p2
spectrum = np.where(energy < E1,
c * (energy / 1e18) ** p1,
np.where(energy < E2,
c1 * (energy / E1) ** p2,
c2 * (energy / E2) ** p3))
spectrum = spectrum * (units.eV * units.m ** 2 * * units.s) ** -1
raise NotImplementedError(f"Type {type} is not supported")
return spectrum
def get_flux_per_energy_bin(log10e_min, log10e_max, type='auger_19'):
Returns an scipy integration of the measured data or the analytic spectrum over given interval.
log10e_min: float
Input energy lower bound (in log10(E / eV)))
log10e_max: float
Input energy upper bound (in log10(E / eV)))
type: string
choose between data_auger_19, data_TA_21, auger_17, auger_19, TA_19
scipy integration of data in NuRadio base units (which are 1/(eV m^2 sr ns))
if type in ['auger_17', 'auger_19', 'TA_19']:
def flux(x):
""" Bring parametrized energy spectrum in right shape for quad() function """
return get_analytic_cr_flux(np.log10(np.array([x])), type)[0]
integrated_flux = quad(flux, 10 ** log10e_min, 10 ** log10e_max)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Type {type} is not supported")
return integrated_flux[0]
def get_cr_event_rate(log10energy=18, zenith=50*units.deg, a_eff=1, type="auger_19"):
Cosmic ray event rate at a specific energy and zenith angle assuming a detector with effective area
'A_eff'. The detector projection and solid range are taken into account.
The flux is calculated with the analytic spectrum.
log10energy: float
energy in units log10(energy/eV)
zenith: float
zenith angle
effective area of detector
type: string
choose between auger_17, auger_19 and TA_19
eventrate for an isotropic flux with given energy and zenith angle.
The differential flux is returned in d/d zenith_angle, not d/d solid_angle.
# The projected area, is the area visible to CR.
# None of the horizontal CR reach the flat detector, all CR from above reach the detector
projected_area = np.cos(zenith)
solid_angle = 2 * np.pi * np.sin(zenith)
flux = get_analytic_cr_flux(log10energy, type=type)
return flux * projected_area * solid_angle * a_eff
def plot_measured_spectrum(ax=None, scale=2.7, type='data_auger_19',
Plot measured spectrum. Attention: time unit is year instead of ns.
axis on which the data is plotted
scale factor for energy, default = 2.7
type: string
choose between data_auger_19 and data_TA_21
base_units: bool
if False spectrum will be plotted in
[m^{-2} yr^{-1} sr^{-1} eV^{%scale-1}] instead of NuRadio base units
plot of data without
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if ax is None:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
E, J, J_err_low, J_err_up = get_measured_data(type)
if not base_units:
E_J_scale_units = units.m ** -2 * units.year ** -1 * units.steradian ** -1 * units.eV ** (scale - 1)
yl = r'$J(E)$ [m$^{-2}$ yr$^{-1}$ sr$^{-1}$ eV$^{%g}$]' % (scale - 1)
E_J_scale_units = units.m ** -2 * units.ns ** -1 * units.steradian ** -1 * units.eV ** (scale - 1)
yl = r'$J(E)$ [m$^{-2}$ ns$^{-1}$ sr$^{-1}$ eV$^{%g}$]' % (scale - 1)
ax.errorbar(E, E ** scale * J / E_J_scale_units,
yerr=[(E ** scale * J_err_low) / E_J_scale_units, (E ** scale * J_err_up) / E_J_scale_units],
marker='x', linewidth=1, markersize=8, ls='None', label=type)
if scale != 0:
yl = r'$E^{%g}\,$' % scale + yl
ax.set_xlabel(r'$E$ [eV]')