Source code for NuRadioReco.utilities.diodeSimulator

from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
import numpy as np
import logging
import scipy.signal
from NuRadioReco.modules.channelGenericNoiseAdder import channelGenericNoiseAdder
from NuRadioReco.utilities.fft import time2freq, freq2time
from scipy.signal import butter, freqs

logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.diodeSimulator')

[docs] class diodeSimulator: def __init__(self, output_passband=(None, None)): """ Calculate a signal as processed by the tunnel diode. The given signal is convolved with the tunnel diodde response as in AraSim. Parameters ---------- output_passband: (float, float) tuple Frequencies for a 6th-order Butterworth filter to be applied after the diode filtering. If a lowpass filter is needed, please pass a (None, float) tuple as parameter. """"This module does not contain cutting the trace to ARA specific parameters.")"The user should take care of the appropriate noise rate and trace window.") self._output_passband = output_passband # Tunnel diode response functions pulled from arasim # RL (Robert Lahmann) Sept 3, 2018: this is not documented in the arasim code, but it seems most # logical to assume that the units of the two middle parameters are seconds and that the # other parameters are unitless _td_args = { 'down1': (-0.8, 15e-9 * units.s, 2.3e-9 * units.s, 0), 'down2': (-0.2, 15e-9 * units.s, 4e-9 * units.s, 0), 'up': (1, 18e-9 * units.s, 7e-9 * units.s, 1e9) } # Set td_args['up'][0] based on the other args, like in arasim _td_args['up'] = (-np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * (_td_args['down1'][0] * _td_args['down1'][2] + _td_args['down2'][0] * _td_args['down2'][2]) / (2e18 * _td_args['up'][2] ** 3),) + _td_args['up'][1:] # Set "down" and "up" functions as in arasim @classmethod def _td_fdown1(cls, x): return (cls._td_args['down1'][3] + cls._td_args['down1'][0] * np.exp(-(x - cls._td_args['down1'][1]) ** 2 / (2 * cls._td_args['down1'][2] ** 2))) @classmethod def _td_fdown2(cls, x): return (cls._td_args['down2'][3] + cls._td_args['down2'][0] * np.exp(-(x - cls._td_args['down2'][1]) ** 2 / (2 * cls._td_args['down2'][2] ** 2))) @classmethod def _td_fup(cls, x): return (cls._td_args['up'][0] * (cls._td_args['up'][3] * (x - cls._td_args['up'][1])) ** 2 * np.exp(-(x - cls._td_args['up'][1]) / cls._td_args['up'][2]))
[docs] def tunnel_diode(self, channel): """ Calculate a signal as processed by the tunnel diode. The given signal is convolved with the tunnel diode response as in AraSim. The diode model used in this module returns a dimensionless power trace, where the antenna resistance is only a normalisation for the final voltage. That's why the antenna resistance has been fixed to a value of 8.5 ohms. Parameters ---------- channel: Channel Signal to be processed by the tunnel diode. Returns ------- trace_after_tunnel_diode: array Signal output of the tunnel diode for the input `channel`. Careful! This trace is dimensionless and comes from a convolution of the power with the diode response. """ t_max = 1e-7 * units.s antenna_resistance = 8.5 * units.ohm n_pts = int(t_max * channel.get_sampling_rate()) times = np.linspace(0, t_max, n_pts + 1) diode_resp = self._td_fdown1(times) + self._td_fdown2(times) t_slice = times > self._td_args['up'][1] diode_resp[t_slice] += self._td_fup(times[t_slice]) conv = scipy.signal.convolve(channel.get_trace() ** 2 / antenna_resistance, diode_resp, mode='full') # conv multiplied by dt so that the amplitude stays constant for # varying dts (determined emperically, see ARVZAskaryanSignal comments) # Setting output trace_after_tunnel_diode = conv / channel.get_sampling_rate() trace_after_tunnel_diode = trace_after_tunnel_diode[:channel.get_trace().shape[0]] # We filter the output if the band is specified if self._output_passband != (None, None): sampling_rate = channel.get_sampling_rate() trace_spectrum = time2freq(trace_after_tunnel_diode, sampling_rate) frequencies = np.linspace(0, sampling_rate / 2, len(trace_spectrum)) if self._output_passband[0] is None: b, a = butter(6, self._output_passband[1], 'lowpass', analog=True) else: b, a = butter(6, self._output_passband, 'bandpass', analog=True) w, h = freqs(b, a, frequencies) trace_after_tunnel_diode = freq2time(h * trace_spectrum, sampling_rate) return trace_after_tunnel_diode
[docs] def calculate_noise_parameters(self, sampling_rate=1 * units.GHz, min_freq=50 * units.MHz, max_freq=1 * units.GHz, amplitude=10 * units.microvolt, type='rayleigh', n_tries=10000, n_samples=10000): """ Calculates the mean and the standard deviation for the diode-filtered noise. Parameters ---------- sampling_rate: float Sampling rate min_freq: float Minimum frequency of the bandwidth max_freq: float Maximum frequency of the bandwidth amplitude: float Voltage amplitude (RMS) for the noise type: string Noise type n_tries: int Number of times the calculation is carried out, to get proper averages for the mean and the standard deviation. n_samples: int Number of samples for each individual noise trace Returns ------- power_mean: float Mean of the diode-filtered noise power_std: float Standard deviation of the diode-filtered noise """ power_mean_list = [] power_std_list = [] for i_try in range(n_tries): noise = long_noise = channelGenericNoiseAdder().bandlimited_noise(min_freq=min_freq, max_freq=max_freq, n_samples=n_samples, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, amplitude=amplitude, type=type) noise.set_trace(long_noise, sampling_rate) power_noise = self.tunnel_diode(noise) power_mean_list.append(np.mean(power_noise)) power_std_list.append(np.std(power_noise)) power_mean = np.mean(power_mean_list) power_std = np.mean(power_std_list) return power_mean, power_std
[docs] def end(self): pass