from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
import numpy as np
import logging
import scipy.signal
from NuRadioReco.modules.channelGenericNoiseAdder import channelGenericNoiseAdder
from NuRadioReco.utilities.fft import time2freq, freq2time
from scipy.signal import butter, freqs
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.diodeSimulator')
class diodeSimulator:
def __init__(self, output_passband=(None, None)):
Calculate a signal as processed by the tunnel diode.
The given signal is convolved with the tunnel diodde response as in
output_passband: (float, float) tuple
Frequencies for a 6th-order Butterworth filter to be applied after
the diode filtering. If a lowpass filter is needed, please pass a
(None, float) tuple as parameter.
""""This module does not contain cutting the trace to ARA specific parameters.")"The user should take care of the appropriate noise rate and trace window.")
self._output_passband = output_passband
# Tunnel diode response functions pulled from arasim
# RL (Robert Lahmann) Sept 3, 2018: this is not documented in the arasim code, but it seems most
# logical to assume that the units of the two middle parameters are seconds and that the
# other parameters are unitless
_td_args = {
'down1': (-0.8, 15e-9 * units.s, 2.3e-9 * units.s, 0),
'down2': (-0.2, 15e-9 * units.s, 4e-9 * units.s, 0),
'up': (1, 18e-9 * units.s, 7e-9 * units.s, 1e9)
# Set td_args['up'][0] based on the other args, like in arasim
_td_args['up'] = (-np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * (_td_args['down1'][0] * _td_args['down1'][2] + _td_args['down2'][0] * _td_args['down2'][2]) / (2e18 * _td_args['up'][2] ** 3),) + _td_args['up'][1:]
# Set "down" and "up" functions as in arasim
def _td_fdown1(cls, x):
return (cls._td_args['down1'][3] + cls._td_args['down1'][0] * np.exp(-(x - cls._td_args['down1'][1]) ** 2 / (2 * cls._td_args['down1'][2] ** 2)))
def _td_fdown2(cls, x):
return (cls._td_args['down2'][3] + cls._td_args['down2'][0] * np.exp(-(x - cls._td_args['down2'][1]) ** 2 / (2 * cls._td_args['down2'][2] ** 2)))
def _td_fup(cls, x):
return (cls._td_args['up'][0] * (cls._td_args['up'][3] * (x - cls._td_args['up'][1])) ** 2 * np.exp(-(x - cls._td_args['up'][1]) / cls._td_args['up'][2]))
def tunnel_diode(self, channel):
Calculate a signal as processed by the tunnel diode.
The given signal is convolved with the tunnel diode response as in
The diode model used in this module returns a dimensionless power trace,
where the antenna resistance is only a normalisation for the final
voltage. That's why the antenna resistance has been fixed to a value
of 8.5 ohms.
channel: Channel
Signal to be processed by the tunnel diode.
trace_after_tunnel_diode: array
Signal output of the tunnel diode for the input `channel`.
Careful! This trace is dimensionless and comes from a convolution
of the power with the diode response.
t_max = 1e-7 * units.s
antenna_resistance = 8.5 * units.ohm
n_pts = int(t_max * channel.get_sampling_rate())
times = np.linspace(0, t_max, n_pts + 1)
diode_resp = self._td_fdown1(times) + self._td_fdown2(times)
t_slice = times > self._td_args['up'][1]
diode_resp[t_slice] += self._td_fup(times[t_slice])
conv = scipy.signal.convolve(channel.get_trace() ** 2 / antenna_resistance,
diode_resp, mode='full')
# conv multiplied by dt so that the amplitude stays constant for
# varying dts (determined emperically, see ARVZAskaryanSignal comments)
# Setting output
trace_after_tunnel_diode = conv / channel.get_sampling_rate()
trace_after_tunnel_diode = trace_after_tunnel_diode[:channel.get_trace().shape[0]]
# We filter the output if the band is specified
if self._output_passband != (None, None):
sampling_rate = channel.get_sampling_rate()
trace_spectrum = time2freq(trace_after_tunnel_diode, sampling_rate)
frequencies = np.linspace(0, sampling_rate / 2, len(trace_spectrum))
if self._output_passband[0] is None:
b, a = butter(6, self._output_passband[1], 'lowpass', analog=True)
b, a = butter(6, self._output_passband, 'bandpass', analog=True)
w, h = freqs(b, a, frequencies)
trace_after_tunnel_diode = freq2time(h * trace_spectrum, sampling_rate)
return trace_after_tunnel_diode
def calculate_noise_parameters(self,
sampling_rate=1 * units.GHz,
min_freq=50 * units.MHz,
max_freq=1 * units.GHz,
amplitude=10 * units.microvolt,
Calculates the mean and the standard deviation for the diode-filtered noise.
sampling_rate: float
Sampling rate
min_freq: float
Minimum frequency of the bandwidth
max_freq: float
Maximum frequency of the bandwidth
amplitude: float
Voltage amplitude (RMS) for the noise
type: string
Noise type
n_tries: int
Number of times the calculation is carried out, to get proper
averages for the mean and the standard deviation.
n_samples: int
Number of samples for each individual noise trace
power_mean: float
Mean of the diode-filtered noise
power_std: float
Standard deviation of the diode-filtered noise
power_mean_list = []
power_std_list = []
for i_try in range(n_tries):
noise =
long_noise = channelGenericNoiseAdder().bandlimited_noise(min_freq=min_freq,
noise.set_trace(long_noise, sampling_rate)
power_noise = self.tunnel_diode(noise)
power_mean = np.mean(power_mean_list)
power_std = np.mean(power_std_list)
return power_mean, power_std