A wrapper around the numpy fft routines to achive a coherent normalization of the fft
As we have real valued data in the time domain, we use the 'real ffts' that omit the negative frequencies in Fourier
space. To account for the missing power in the frequency domain, we multiply the frequency spectrum by sqrt(2),
and divide the iFFT with 1/sqrt(2) accordingly. The frequency spectrum is divided by the sampling rate so that the
units if the spectrum are volts/GHz instead of volts/bin and the voltage in the frequency domain is independent of the
sampling rate.
Then, a calculation of the energy leads the same result in
the time and frequency domain, i.e.
.. code-block::
np.sum(trace**2) * dt = np.sum(spectrum**2) * df
with units of :math:`V^2/GHz`. In order to obtain the correct units
(i.e. energy in eV) one additionally has to divide by the impedance ``Z``.
Note that in our convention, the above equality holds only **approximately**, as also the zero-frequency
and the Nyquist frequency are multiplied by sqrt(2). This effect is however very small and negligible
in practice.
Finally, we remark that our normalization ensures implies the FFT describes the **energy** spectral density;
this is in contrast to another common convention where the Fourier transform describes the
**power** spectral density. One should keep this in mind especially when working with e.g. noise temperatures
which are defined using the latter convention.
import numpy as np
import functools
def freqs(num_samples, sampling_rate):
Returns frequency bins for FFT.
num_samples: int
The number of sample in the time domain
sampling_rate: float
Sampling rate of the trace
frequencies: np.array
Frequency binning
return np.fft.rfftfreq(num_samples, d = 1 / sampling_rate)
def time2freq(trace, sampling_rate):
Performs forward FFT with correct normalization that conserves the power.
trace: np.array
time trace to be transformed into frequency space
sampling_rate: float
sampling rate of the trace
spec: np.array
Frequency spectrum
return np.fft.rfft(trace, axis=-1) / sampling_rate * 2 ** 0.5 # an additional sqrt(2) is added because negative frequencies are omitted.
def freq2time(spectrum, sampling_rate, n=None):
Performs backward FFT with correct normalization that conserves the power.
spectrum: complex np array
the frequency spectrum
sampling_rate: float
sampling rate of the spectrum
n: int
the number of sample in the time domain (relevant if time trace has an odd number of samples)
trace: np.array
Time series/trace
return np.fft.irfft(spectrum, axis=-1, n=n) * sampling_rate / 2 ** 0.5