""" Mapping of PDG particle ids to particle names. """
import numpy as np
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.particle_names')
# list from documentation/source/NuRadioMC/pages/Manuals/event_generation.rst
particle_names = \
{ 0: "Gamma (photon)",
11: "Electron",
-11: "Positron",
12: "Electron neutrino",
-12: "Electron antineutrino",
13: "Muon (negative)",
-13: "Antimuon (positive muon)",
14: "Muon neutrino",
-14: "Muon antineutrino",
15: "Tau (negative)",
-15: "Antitau (or positive tau)",
16: "Tau neutrino",
-16: "Tau antineutrino",
# IDs 81 - 100 are reserved for generator-specific pseudoparticles and concepts
80: "Particle", # demanded by proposal
81: "Bremsstrahlung photon",
82: "Ionised electron",
83: "Electron-positron pair",
84: "Hadron blundle",
85: "Nuclear interaction products",
86: "Hadronic Decay bundle",
87: "Muon pair",
88: "Continuous loss",
89: "Weak interaction",
90: "Compton",
91: "Decay",
111: "Pion (neutral)",
211: "Pion (positive)",
-211: "Pion (negative)",
311: "Kaon (neutral)",
321: "Kaon (positive)",
-321: "Kaon (negative)",
2212: "Proton",
-2212: "Antiproton"}
particle_ids = {}
for key, value in particle_names.items():
particle_ids[value] = key
em_primary_names = ['Gamma (photon)', 'Electron', 'Positron', 'Bremsstrahlung photon',
'Ionised electron', 'Electron-positron pair', 'Weak interaction', 'Compton']
had_primary_names = ['Hadron blundle', 'Nuclear interaction products', 'Hadronic Decay bundle', "Pion (neutral)", "Pion (positive)",
"Pion (negative)", "Kaon (neutral)", "Kaon (positive)", "Kaon (negative)", "Proton", "Antiproton"]
primary_names = em_primary_names + had_primary_names
def particle_name(id):
if not isinstance(id, (int, np.int_)):
logger.error("This function only takes integers.")
raise TypeError("This function only takes integers.")
if not id in particle_names.keys():
logger.error("Particle id: {:d} unknown".format(id))
raise ValueError("Particle id: {:d} unknown".format(id))
return particle_names[id]
def particle_id(name):
if not isinstance(name, str):
logger.error("This function only takes strings.")
raise TypeError("This function only takes strings.")
if not name in particle_ids.keys():
logger.error("Particle name: {} unknown".format(name))
print("The following names are implemented: ",
", ".join(particle_ids.keys()))
raise ValueError("Particle name: {} unknown".format(name))
return particle_ids[name]
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("The following particles are implemented: ")
for key, value in particle_names.items():
print("\t {:5d} : {}".format(key, value))