NuRadioReco.modules.measured_noise.RNO_G.noiseImporter module
- class NuRadioReco.modules.measured_noise.RNO_G.noiseImporter.noiseImporter[source]
Imports recorded traces from RNOG stations. Uses forced/software triggers.
(noise_folders[, file_pattern, ...])end
- begin(noise_folders, file_pattern='*', match_station_id=False, station_ids=None, channel_mapping=None, scramble_noise_file_order=True, log_level=0, random_seed=None, reader_kwargs={})[source]
- Parameters:
- noise_folders: str or list(str)
Folder(s) containing noise file(s). Search in any subfolder as well.
- file_pattern: str
File pattern used to search for directories, (Default: “*”, other examples might be “combined”)
- match_station_id: bool
If True, add only noise from stations with the same id. (Default: False)
- station_ids: list(int)
Only add noise from those station ids. If None, use any station. (Default: None)
- channel_mapping: dict or None
option relevant for MC studies of new station designs where we do not have forced triggers for. The channel_mapping dictionary maps the channel ids of the MC station to the channel ids of the noise data Default is None which is 1-to-1 mapping
- scramble_noise_file_order: bool
If True, randomize the order of noise files before reading them. (Default: True)
- log_level: logging log level
Override he log level to control verbosity. (Default: logging.NOTSET, ie follow general log level)
- random_seed: int
Seed for the random number generator. (Default: None, no fixed seed).
- reader_kwargs: dict
Optional arguements passed to readRNOGDataMattak