import numpy as np
import glob
import os
import collections
import time
from import readRNOGData
from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
import logging
class noiseImporter:
Imports recorded traces from RNOG stations. Uses forced/software triggers.
def begin(
self, noise_folders, file_pattern="*",
match_station_id=False, station_ids=None,
channel_mapping=None, scramble_noise_file_order=True,
log_level=logging.NOTSET, random_seed=None, reader_kwargs={}):
noise_folders: str or list(str)
Folder(s) containing noise file(s). Search in any subfolder as well.
file_pattern: str
File pattern used to search for directories, (Default: "*", other examples might be "combined")
match_station_id: bool
If True, add only noise from stations with the same id. (Default: False)
station_ids: list(int)
Only add noise from those station ids. If None, use any station. (Default: None)
channel_mapping: dict or None
option relevant for MC studies of new station designs where we do not
have forced triggers for. The channel_mapping dictionary maps the channel
ids of the MC station to the channel ids of the noise data
Default is None which is 1-to-1 mapping
scramble_noise_file_order: bool
If True, randomize the order of noise files before reading them. (Default: True)
log_level: logging log level
Override he log level to control verbosity. (Default: logging.NOTSET, ie follow general log level)
random_seed: int
Seed for the random number generator. (Default: None, no fixed seed).
reader_kwargs: dict
Optional arguements passed to readRNOGDataMattak
self.logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.RNOG.noiseImporter')
self.__random_gen = np.random.Generator(np.random.Philox(random_seed))
self._match_station_id = match_station_id
self.__station_ids = station_ids
self.__channel_mapping = channel_mapping"\n\tMatch station id: {match_station_id}"
f"\n\tUse noise from only those stations: {station_ids}"
f"\n\tUse the following channel mapping: {channel_mapping}"
f"\n\tRandomize sequence of noise files: {scramble_noise_file_order}")
if not isinstance(noise_folders, list):
noise_folders = [noise_folders]
# find all subfolders
noise_files = []
for noise_folder in noise_folders:
if noise_folder == "":
noise_files += glob.glob(f"{noise_folder}/**/{file_pattern}root", recursive=True)
self.__noise_folders = np.unique([os.path.dirname(e) for e in noise_files])"Found {len(self.__noise_folders)}")
if not len(self.__noise_folders):
self.logger.error("No folders found")
raise FileNotFoundError("No folders found")
if scramble_noise_file_order:
self._noise_reader = readRNOGData()
default_reader_kwargs = {
"selectors": [lambda einfo: einfo.triggerType == "FORCE"],
"log_level": log_level, "select_runs": True, "max_trigger_rate": 2 * units.Hz,
"run_types": ["physics"]
self._noise_reader.begin(self.__noise_folders, **default_reader_kwargs)
# instead of reading all noise events into memory we only get certain information here and read all data in run()"Get event informations ...")
t0 = time.time()
noise_information = self._noise_reader.get_events_information(keys=["station"])"... of {len(noise_information)} (selected) events in {time.time() - t0:.2f}s")
self.__event_index_list = np.array(list(noise_information.keys()))
self.__station_id_list = np.array([ele["station"] for ele in noise_information.values()])
self._n_use_event = collections.defaultdict(int)
def __get_noise_channel(self, channel_id):
if self.__channel_mapping is None:
return channel_id
return self.__channel_mapping[channel_id]
def __draw_noise_event(self, mask):
reader.get_event_by_index can return None when, e.g., the trigger time is inf or the sampling rate 0.
Hence, try again if that happens (should only occur rearly).
mask: np.array(bool)
Mask of which noise events are allowed (e.g. because of matching station ids, ...)
noise_event: NuRadioReco.framework.event
A event containing noise traces
i_noise: int
The index of the drawn event
tries = 0
while tries < 100:
# int(..) necessary because pyroot can not handle np.int64
i_noise = int(self.__random_gen.choice(self.__event_index_list[mask]))
noise_event = self._noise_reader.get_event_by_index(i_noise)
tries += 1
if noise_event is not None:
if noise_event is None:
err = "Could not draw a random station which is not None after 100 tries. Stop."
raise ValueError(err)
self._n_use_event[i_noise] += 1
return noise_event, i_noise
def run(self, evt, station, det):
if self._match_station_id:
# select only noise events from simulated station id
station_mask = self.__station_id_list == station.get_id()
if not np.any(station_mask):
raise ValueError(f"No station with id {station.get_id()} in noise data.")
# select all noise events
station_mask = np.full_like(self.__event_index_list, True)
noise_event, i_noise = self.__draw_noise_event(station_mask)
station_id = noise_event.get_station_ids()[0]
noise_station = noise_event.get_station(station_id)
if self.__station_ids is not None and not station_id in self.__station_ids:
raise ValueError(f"Station id {station_id} not in list of allowed ids: {self.__station_ids}")
self.logger.debug("Selected noise event {} ({}, run {}, event {})".format(
i_noise, noise_station.get_station_time(), noise_event.get_run_number(),
for channel in station.iter_channels():
channel_id = channel.get_id()
trace = channel.get_trace()
noise_channel = noise_station.get_channel(self.__get_noise_channel(channel_id))
noise_trace = noise_channel.get_trace()
if len(trace) > 2048:
self.logger.warning("Simulated trace is longer than 2048 bins... trim with :2048")
trace = trace[:2048]
# sanity checks
if len(trace) != len(noise_trace):
erg_msg = f"Mismatch in trace lenght: Noise has {len(noise_trace)} " + \
"and simulation has {len(trace)} samples"
raise ValueError(erg_msg)
if channel.get_sampling_rate() != noise_channel.get_sampling_rate():
erg_msg = "Mismatch in sampling rate: Noise has {} and simulation has {} GHz".format(
noise_channel.get_sampling_rate() / units.GHz, channel.get_sampling_rate() / units.GHz)
raise ValueError(erg_msg)
trace = trace + noise_trace
channel.set_trace(trace, channel.get_sampling_rate())
def end(self):
n_use = np.array(list(self._n_use_event.values()))
sort = np.flip(np.argsort(n_use))
"\n\tThe five most used noise events have been used: {}"
.format(", ".join([str(ele) for ele in n_use[sort][:5]])))